jcru / trove-vagrant-vmware

Vagrant provisioning on VMWare for Openstack Trove

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

You'll need VMWare Fusion, and the VMWare Fusion Provisioner for Vagrant.

To get things started:

vagrant up --provider=vmware_fusion
vagrant ssh
./redstack install
./redstack kick-start mysql
./redstack int-tests --group=blackbox

There are two optional environment variables the Vagrantfile looks for:

    The directory on the host that will be shared with the VM.
    If it's not specified, the directory above this directory (`./../') is used.


    The directory on the VM that the above directory will be available at.
    If it's not specified, `/vagrant` is used.

Special thanks to Ryan Skoblenick: http://www.skoblenick.com/vagrant/creating-a-custom-box-from-scratch/


Vagrant provisioning on VMWare for Openstack Trove