jcpetkovich / racer

Rust Code Completion utility

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Racer - code completion for Rust

alt text

RACER = Rust Auto-Complete-er. A utility intended to provide rust code completion for editors and IDEs. Maybe one day the 'er' bit will be exploring + refactoring or something.


  • Does an ok job of static completions: functions, structs, enums etc..

  • Not so hot on the dynamic stuff: methods, fields etc.. (yet)

  • Also provides 'find-definition' support for jumping around source code


  1. cd racer; cargo build --release

  2. Set the RUST_SRC_PATH env variable to point to the 'src' dir in your rust source installation

    (e.g. % export RUST_SRC_PATH=/usr/local/src/rust/src )

  3. Test on the command line:

    ./target/release/racer complete std::io::B (should show some completions)

Emacs integration

  1. Install emacs 24

  2. Install rust-mode. E.g. add the following to .emacs:

    (add-to-list 'load-path "<path-to-rust-mode-srcdir>/")
    (autoload 'rust-mode "rust-mode" nil t)
    (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rs\\'" . rust-mode))
  3. Install company mode. (e.g. via ELPA: M-x list-packages, select 'company')

  4. Set some variables and install racer. E.g. add this to .emacs:

    (setq racer-rust-src-path "<path-to-rust-srcdir>/src/")
    (setq racer-cmd "<path-to-racer>/target/release/racer")
    (add-to-list 'load-path "<path-to-racer>/editors")
    (eval-after-load "rust-mode" '(require 'racer))

(N.B. racer.el currenly relies on 'company'. The reason for all the 'eval-after-load' stuff is to ensure rust-mode and racer evaluate after company has been loaded)

  1. Open a rust file and try typing use std::io::B and press <tab>

  2. Place your cursor over a symbol and hit M-. to jump to the definition

Vim integration

  1. Install using Pathogen, Vundle or NeoBundle. Or, copy racer/plugin/racer.vim into your .vim/plugin directory.

Vundle users:

Vundle 'phildawes/racer'

NeoBundle users:

NeoBundle 'phildawes/racer', {
\   'build' : {
\     'mac': 'cargo build --release',
\     'unix': 'cargo build --release',
\   }
\ }
  1. Add g:racer_cmd and $RUST_SRC_PATH variables to your .vimrc. Also it's worth turning on 'hidden' mode for buffers otherwise you need to save the current buffer every time you do a goto-definition. E.g.:

    set hidden
    let g:racer_cmd = "<path-to-racer>/target/release/racer"
    let $RUST_SRC_PATH="<path-to-rust-srcdir>/src/"
  2. In insert mode use C-x-C-o to search for completions

  3. In normal mode type 'gd' to go to a definition


Rust Code Completion utility

License:MIT License


Language:Rust 94.1%Language:Emacs Lisp 3.4%Language:Vim Script 2.5%