Extensible Free Monad Effects
Do one thing and do it well micro birds library series
libraryDependencies += "us.oyanglul" %% "luci" % <version>"
Table of Contents
When you want to mix in some native effects into your Free Monad DSL, some effects won't work
for instance, we have two effects IO and StateT, and we would like to do some math using StateT
Here is the Program
import Free.{liftInject => free}
type Program[A] = EitherK[IO, StateT[IO, Int, ?], A]
type ProgramF[A] = Free[Program, A]
def program : Program[Int] = for {
initState <- free[Program](StateT.get[IO, Int])
_ <- free[Program](IO(println(s"init state is $initState")))
_ <- free[Program](StateT.modify[IO, Int](_ + 1))
res <- free[Program](StateT.modify[IO, Int](_ + 1))
} yield res
and Interpreters
def ioInterp = FunctionK.id[IO]
def stateTInterp(initState: Int) = Lambda[StateT[IO, Int, ?] ~> IO[(Int, ?)]] { _.run(initState)}
If we run the program
program foldMap (ioInterp or stateTInterp(0))
Guess what, it doesn't work, the result will be 1 not 2
because we run the state for each effect separately in the stateTInterp
One of the option is to use FreeT
But with FreeT:
- you can only mixin 1 effect, what if I have multiple effects that I want them to be stateful across the whole program.
- all other effects need to be lift to FreeT as well. It might have huge impact to our existing code base that is Free already.
is using both meow-mtl and ReaderT/Kleisli, then we can easily integrate mtl into Free Monad Effects
- instead of using interpreter
Program ~> IO
, we can useProgram ~> Kleisli[IO, ProgramContext, ?]
, and we have a better name for it - Compiler - init state of stateful effects can then be injected into program via ProgramContext when actually running
Kleisli[IO, ProgramContext, ?]
- Id
- WriterT
- ReaderT/Kleisli
- StateT
- EitherT
- Http4sClient
- Doobie ConnectionIO
- fs2
It's very similar but just one more step to run the Kleisli
- create Program dsl
- compile Program into a Kleisli
- run Kleisli in a context
e.g. our Program
has lot of effects... WriterT, Http4sClient, ReaderT, IO, StateT and Doobie's ConnectionIO
few of them need to be stateful across all over the program like WriterT, StateT
type Program[A] = Eff7[
Http4sClient[IO, ?],
WriterT[IO, Chain[String], ?],
ReaderT[IO, Config, ?],
StateT[IO, Int, ?],
Either[Throwable, ?],
type ProgramF[A] = Free[Program, A]
is predefined alias of type to construct multiple kind in EitherK
Now lets start using these effects to do our work
val program = for {
config <- free[Program](Kleisli.ask[IO, Config])
_ <- free[Program](
_ <- free[Program](StateT.modify[IO, Int](1 + _))
_ <- free[Program](StateT.modify[IO, Int](1 + _))
state <- free[Program](StateT.get[IO, Int])
_ <- free[Program](
WriterT.tell[IO, Chain[String]](
Chain.one("config: " + config.token)))
resOrError <- free[Program](sql"""select true""".query[Boolean].unique)
_ <- free[Program](
resOrError.handleError(e => println(s"handle db error $e")))
_ <- free[Program](IO(println(s"im IO...state: $state")))
} yield ()
if we compile our program, we should get a binary ProgramBin
import us.oyanglul.luci.compilers.io._
val binary = compile(program)
imagine that you have a binary of command line tool, when you run it you would probably need to provide some --args
same here, if you want to run ProgramBin
, which is basically just a Kleisli, we need to provide args with is ProgramContext
run the program with real --args
val args = (httpclient ::
logRef.tellInstance ::
config ::
Unit ::
transactor ::
stateRef.stateInstance ::
Unit ::
for stateful WriterT
and StateT
here, we can get FunctorTell
and MonadState
instances from Ref[IO, ?]
and inject them into the program via ProgramContext
each one corresponds to program's effect's context
- binary for
Http4sClient[IO, ?]
to run - binary for
WriterT[IO, Chain[String], ?]
needsFuntorTell[IO, Chain[String]]
, presented by meow-mtl.tellInstance
- binary for
ReaderT[IO, Config, ?]
to run - binary for
needs nothing soUnit
- binary for
- binary for
StateT[IO, Int, ?]
needsMonadState[IO, Int]
to run, which presented here by meow-mtl from.stateInstance
- binary for
Either[Throwable, ?]
needs nothing soUnit
creating a new compilable effect is pretty simple in 2 steps
This is nothing different from creating an effect data type for Free Monad
For instance, we need a s3 putObject
import com.amazonaws.services.s3.model.PutObjectResult
sealed trait S3[A]
case class PutObject(bucketName: String, fileName: String, content: String)
extends S3[PutObjectResult]
To create a compiler for new data type s3, we'll need to create an instance for type class Compiler
trait Compiler[F[_], E[_]] {
type Env
val compile: F ~> Kleisli[E, Env, ?]
We need a type of Env
where the program needs to be compile. e.g. S3 need an AWS S3 Client
trait S3Compiler[E[_]] {
implicit def s3Compiler(implicit F: Applicative[E]) = new Compiler[S3, E] {
type Env = AmazonS3
val compile = Lambda[S3 ~> Kleisli[E, Env, ?]] (_ match {
case PutObject(bucketName, fileName, content) =>
Kleisli(env => F.pure(env.putObject(bucketName, fileName, content)))
to be honest you don't need to make S3Compiler so generic since you may be the only person who using it. But it's a good practic to make every thing as genric as possible.
any way to use the generic effect, you can create a specific object just for IO(or Task of your choice)
object s3IoCompiler extends S3Compiler[IO]
and then import it to where you need to compile
import s3IoCompiler._
Or, simply extends it on the object or class you intent to compile your program
object Main extends S3Compiler[IO] with All{
val binary = compile(program)