jcoupey / find-the-bridge

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Solving the following problem.

A given graph consists of two connected sub-graphs in which every node has at least three neighbours. The sub-graphs are only connected by a single edge, the bridge. Given a node in each sub-graph, find the bridge. You can assume there is only one bridge.



Let's denote by u and v the vertices given in the different sub-graphs.

Step 1: finding a path p between u and v

There is no condition on the path-finding algorithm used here. The next steps will be valid no matter the form of p.

Note that:

  • we are assured that such a path exists ;

  • it must contain the bridge we're seeking because of its uniqueness.

Step 2: removing edges in p from the graph

The specificity of the bridge is that when removed, the two sub-graphs are no more connected. Since the seeked bridge is contained in p, we now obtain two connected components corresponding to the now isolated sub-graphs.

Note that each sub-graph stay itself connected even when removing the part of p it contains. This is because each vertex has at least 3 neighbours (may be proved by induction on the size of the sub-graph).

Step 3: dichotomic search of the bridge using the vertices in p

Let m be the vertex on p that is "in the middle" between u and v. There are two alternatives :

  1. There is a path between u and m: in that case, they both are in the same sub-graph (remember the bridge has been removed). So the bridge is now to be found between m and v.

  2. There is no path between u and m: in that case, they must be in separate sub-graphs (because sub-graphs themselves remained connected, see above). So the bridge is now to be found between u and m.

This step starts with the list of vertices of path p, and the updated list's length is divided by 2 at each iteration. The search stops when it only contains two vertices, wich are apart the bridge.

Notes on implementation

As previously said, any path would do in step 1. The implementation here uses undirected weighted graphs, and a simple Dijkstra algorithm for shortest path (in term of weight) is implemented. But if we really want to shorten the third step, we'd better use a shortest path in term of number of edges. So a breadth-first search is used for path-finding in step 1 (and also for testing whether two vertices are connected in step 3).

Step 2 removes edges in p for convenience, one could also leave the graph alone and implement the path search used in step 3 with an additional argument forbidding to use any edge in p.


If |V| and |E| denote the number of vertices and edges in the graph, then breadth-first search of the path in step 1 is performed in O(|V| + |E|).

Step 2 is linear in length(p), this length being bounded by the diameter of the graph, in any case smallest than |E|.

Step 3 requires something like log(length(p)) iterations, so less than log(|E|). Each of theses iterations consist of a breadth-first search, again O(|V| + |E|).

In any case, the algorithm runs in O(log(|E|) x (|V| + |E|)).



To build the executable, run:

mkdir bin && cd src/ && make && cd ..

Handmade example

Toy around with an example built from scratch:

./bin/find-the-bridge -e

See main file to modify graph and vertices used for bridge search.

Solving random examples


./bin/find-the-bridge -r size

to build a random graph matching the above description (see introduction) on wich the bridge search is performed.

The two subgraphs contain each size vertices.


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:C++ 98.5%Language:Makefile 1.5%