jcollado / aria-ng

ARIA Next Generation (experimental)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


ARIA is a platform and a set of tools for building TOSCA-based products, such as orchestrators. Its features can be accessed via a well-documented Python API, as well as a language-agnostic RESTful API that can be deployed as a microservice.

On its own, ARIA provides built-in tools for blueprint validation and for creating ready-to-run deployment plans.

ARIA adheres strictly and meticulously to the TOSCA Simple Profile v1.0 specification, providing state-of-the-art validation at seven different levels:

  1. Platform errors. E.g. network, hardware, or even an internal bug in ARIA (let us know, please!).
  2. Syntax and format errors. E.g. non-compliant YAML, XML, JSON.
  3. Field validation. E.g. assigning a string where an integer is expected, using a list instead of a dict.
  4. Relationships between fields within a type. This is "grammar" as it applies to rules for setting the values of fields in relation to each other.
  5. Relationships between types. E.g. referring to an unknown type, causing a type inheritance loop.
  6. Topology. These errors happen if requirements and capabilities cannot be matched in order to assemble a valid topology.
  7. External dependencies. These errors happen if requirement/capability matching fails due to external resources missing, e.g. the lack of a valid virtual machine, API credentials, etc.

Validation errors include a plain English message and when relevant the exact location (file, row, column) of the data the caused the error.

The ARIA API documentation always links to the relevant section of the specification, and likewise we provide an annotated version of the specification that links back to the API documentation.

Quick Start

You need Python v2.7. Python v3 is not currently supported. Use a virtualenv:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install .

Now create a deployment plan from a TOSCA blueprint:

aria blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml

You can also get it in JSON or YAML formats:

aria blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml --json

Or get an overview of the relationship graph:

aria blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml --graph

You can provide inputs as JSON, overriding default values provided in the blueprint

aria blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml --inputs='{"openstack_credential": {"user": "username"}}'

Instead of providing them explicitly, you can also provide them in a file or URL, in either JSON or YAML. If you do so, the value must end in ".json" or ".yaml":

aria blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml --inputs=blueprints/tosca/inputs.yaml

API Architecture

ARIA's parsing engine comprises individual "consumers" (in the aria.consumption package) that do things with blueprints. When chained together, each performs a different task, adds its own validations, and can provide its own output.

Parsing happens in five phases, represented in five packages:

  • aria.loading: Loaders are used to read the TOSCA data, usually as text. For example UriTextLoader will load text from URIs (including files).
  • aria.reading: Readers convert data from the loaders into agnostic raw data. For example, YamlReader converts YAML text into Python dicts, lists, and primitives.
  • aria.presentation: Presenters wrap the agnostic raw data in a nice Python facade (a "presentation") that makes it much easier to work with the data, including utilities for validation, querying, etc. Note that presenters are wrappers: the agnostic raw data is always maintained intact, and can always be accessed directly or written back to files. Importantly, even YAML comments are maintained. So, you can modify the presentation and write it back to a YAML file while keeping all the original YAML comments in the file in their right places.
  • aria.deployment.template: Here the topology is normalized into a coherent structure of node templates, requirements, and capabilities. Types are inherited and properties are assigned. The deployment template is a new structure, which is not mapped to the YAML. In fact, it is possible to generate the template programmatically, or from a DSL parser other than TOSCA.
  • aria.deployment.plan: The deployment plan is an instantiated deployment templates. Node templates turn into node instances (with unique IDs), and requirements are satisfied by matching them to capabilities. This is where level 5 validation errors are detected (see above).

The phases do not have to be used in order. Indeed, consumers do not have to be used at all: ARIA can be used to produce blueprints. For example, it is possible to fill in the aria.presentation classes programmatically, in Python, and then write the presentation to a YAML file as compliant TOSCA. The same technique can be used to convert from one DSL (consume it) to another (write it).

The term "agnostic raw data" (ARD?) appears often in the documentation. It denotes data structures comprising only Python dicts, lists, and primitives, such that they can always be converted to and from language-agnostic formats such as YAML, JSON, and XML. A considerable effort has been made to conserve the agnostic raw data at all times. Thus, though ARIA makes good use of the dynamic power of Python, you will always be able to use ARIA with other systems.

CLI Tool

Though ARIA is fully exposed as an API, it also comes with a CLI tool to allow you to work from the shell:

aria blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml plan

The CLI supports the following commands to create variations of the default consumer chain:

  • presentation: emits a colorized textual representation of the Python presentation classes wrapping the blueprint. You can also use --json or --yaml flags to emit in those formats.
  • template: emits a colorized textual representation of the complete topology template derived from the validated blueprint. This includes all the node templates, with their requirements satisfied at the level of relating to other node templates. Use --types to see just the type hierarchy.
  • plan: this is the default consumer; emits a colorized textual representation of a deployment plan instantiated from the deployment template. Here the node templates are each used to create one or more nodes, with the appropriate relationships between them. Note that every time you run this consumer, you will get a different set of node IDs. Use --graph to see just the node relationship graph. You can also use --json or --yaml flags to emit in those formats.

Additionally, The CLI tool lets you specify the complete classname of your own custom consumer to chain at the end of the default consumer chain, after plan.

Your customer consumer can be an entry point into a powerful TOSCA-based tool or application, such as an orchestrator, a graphical modeling tool, etc.


The ARIA REST tool starts a RESTful HTTP server that can do basic validation over the wire:


With the server started, you can hit a few endpoints:

curl http://localhost:8204/openoapi/tosca/v1/plan/blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml

curl http://localhost:8204/openoapi/tosca/v1/validate/blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml

You will get a JSON response with a deployment plan or validation issues.

You can send inputs:

curl http://localhost:8204/openoapi/tosca/v1/plan/blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml?inputs=%7B%22openstack_credential%22%3A%7B%22user%22%3A%22username%22%7D%7D

curl http://localhost:8204/openoapi/tosca/v1/plan/blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml?inputs=blueprints/tosca/inputs.yaml

You can also POST a blueprint over the wire:

curl --data-binary @blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml http://localhost:8204/openoapi/tosca/v1/plan

If you POST and also want to import from the filesystem, note that you must specify search paths when you start the server:

aria-rest --path blueprints/tosca /another/path/to/imports

Generator (Extension)

This converts the blueprint into Python code: a bunch of Python classes representing the blueprint. Thus, node types become classes, the instances being nodes, interfaces can be turned into methods, and these are connected to each other via special relationship classes. You can use these classes directly in your product, allowing a quick and easy way to move from a TOSCA blueprint to executable code.

Note that the generator is entirely optional: it is very much possible to consume the deployment plan without converting it into Python code.


You do not want to install with pip, but instead work directly with the source files:

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv env
. env/bin/activate
make requirements

You can then run the scripts in the main directory:

./aria blueprints/tosca/node-cellar.yaml plan

To run tests:


To build the documentation:

make docs


ARIA Next Generation (experimental)

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Python 99.2%Language:HTML 0.4%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Makefile 0.2%