jcm93 / pewpew

Flexible HTTP stress tester

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Flexible HTTP stress tester

Disclaimer: Pewpew is designed as a tool to help those developing web services and websites. Please use responsibly.


  • Command line and/or config file options
  • Multiple targets
  • Zero dependencies, single binary
  • Statistics
  • Export raw data as TSV and/or JSON
  • HTTP2 support
  • IPV6 support
  • Use as a Go library
  • Tons of configuration options (arbitrary headers, keepalive, user agent, timeouts, ignore SSL certs, HTTP authentication, and more)


Pewpew is under active development. Building from master should generally work, but the API is not solidified yet. Don't rely on it for anything important yet.


Requires Golang 1.6+

If your $GOPATH is set correctly, you can just

go get github.com/bengadbois/pewpew

Will publish prebuilt binaries once first release is ready


pewpew stress http://www.example.com

This makes ten requests to http://www.example.com

pewpew stress -X POST --body '{"hello": "world"}' -n 100 -c 5 -t 2.5 -H "Accept-Encoding:gzip, Content-Type:application/json" https://www.example.com:443/path localhost

Each of the three targets https://www.example.com:443/path, http://localhost,

  • 100 requests total requests per target (300 total)
  • 5 concurrent requests per target (15 simultaneous)
  • POST with body {"hello": "world"}
  • Two headers: Accept-Encoding:gzip and Content-Type:application/json
  • Each request times out after 2.5 seconds

For the full list of command line options, run pewpew help or pewpew help stress

Pewpew supports complex configurations with a config file. You can define one or more targets each with their own settings.

Pewpew expects the config file is in the current directory and named config.json or config.toml. Then just run:

pewpew stress

Here is an example config.toml. There are more examples in examples/.

#Global settings
Quiet = false
Compress = true
UserAgent = "pewpewpewpewpew"
Timeout = "1.75s"
Headers = "Accept-Encoding:gzip"

#Settings for each of the two Targets
URL = ""
Count = 15
Concurrency = 3
URL = ""
Count = 1 #this overwrites the default global Count (10) for this target
Method = "POST"
Body = "{\"username\": \"newuser1\", \"email\": \"newuser1@domain.com\"}"
Headers = "Accept-Encoding:gzip, Content-Type:application/json"
Compress = true #redundant with the global which is fine
Timeout = "500ms" #this overwrites the explicitly set global Timeout for this target
UserAgent = "notpewpew"

Pewpew allows for cascading settings, to maximize flexibility and readability. Precedence (highest first):

  • Individual target setting from config file
  • Command line setting (which are global)
  • Global setting from config file
  • Default global setting

All command line options are treated as global settings, and URLs specified on the command line overwrite all Targets set config files.

Not all settings are available per target, such as Verbose, which is only a global setting.

Global settings:

  • NoHTTP2 (default false)
  • EnforceSSL (default false)
  • ResultFilenameJSON (default empty, so skipped)
  • ResultFilenameCSV (default empty, so skipped)
  • Quiet (default false)
  • Verbose (default false)
  • Count (default defer to Target)
  • Concurrency (default defer to Target)
  • Timeout (default defer to Target)
  • Method (default defer to Target)
  • Body (default defer to Target)
  • BodyFilename (default defer to Target)
  • Headers (default defer to Target)
  • UserAgent (default defer to Target)
  • BasicAuth (default defer to Target)
  • Compress (default defer to Target)

Individual target settings:

  • URL (default "http://localhost")
  • Count (default 10)
  • Concurrency (default 1)
  • Timeout (default 10s)
  • Method (default GET)
  • Body (default empty)
  • BodyFilename (default none)
  • Headers (default none)
  • UserAgent (default "pewpew")
  • BasicAuth (default none)
  • Compress (default false)

Using as a Golang library

package main

import (

    pewpew "github.com/bengadbois/pewpew/lib"

func main() {
    stressCfg := pewpew.NewStressConfig()

    //global settings
    stressCfg.Quiet = true
    //setup one target
    stressCfg.Targets[0].URL = ""
    stressCfg.Targets[0].Count = 100
    stressCfg.Targets[0].Concurrency = 32
    stressCfg.Targets[0].Timeout = "2s"
    stressCfg.Targets[0].Method = "POST"
    stressCfg.Targets[0].Body = `{"field": "data", "work": true}`

    //begin testing
    err := pewpew.RunStress(*stressCfg)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Println("pewpew stress failed:  %s", err.Error())

Full package documentation at godoc.org


If you receive a lot of "socket: too many open files" errors while running many concurrent requests, try increasing your ulimit.


Flexible HTTP stress tester

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%