jchristman / reactive-modal

reactive bootstrap modals for meteor

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is an enhanced fork of pahans:reactive-modal due to lack of maintenance on the original repository.

Key Differences

  • Ability to reuse shareDialogInfo objects
  • Fixed closure on button reactivity
  • More reactive parts
  • hideCloseButton option
  • Pass-though of options object on modal initialisation

How to Use

Install from atmosphere

meteor add jchristman:reactive-modal

###Init your bootstrap modal a meteor template is the body of your modal

<template name="appShareDialog">
<p>OK to go ahead and share {{app}}?</p>
  var shareDialogInfo = {
    template: Template.appShareDialog,
    title: "Share the app",
    doc: {}, // optional data context.
    modalDialogClass: "share-modal-dialog", // optional
    modalBodyClass: "share-modal-body", // optional
    modalFooterClass: "share-modal-footer", // optional
    removeOnHide: true, // optional. If this is true, modal will be removed from DOM upon hiding
    hideCloseButton: true, // optional. If this true, the modal header will not show the &times; close button
    modalOptions: { // optional. Pass - through of the Boostrap Modal options object, applied on initialisation
      keyboard: false,
      backdrop: 'static',
      show: false
    buttons: {
      "cancel": {
        class: 'btn-danger',
        label: 'Cancel'
      "ok": {
        closeModalOnClick: false, // if this is false, dialog doesnt close automatically on click
        class: 'btn-info',
        label: 'Ok',
        iconClass: 'glyphicon glyphicon-ok' //optional. Defines a icon before the button label. 

    doc: {  // Provide data context for Template.appShareDialog
      app: "My Application"

  var rd = ReactiveModal.initDialog(shareDialogInfo);


###button event handling

rd.buttons.ok.on('click', function(button){
  // what needs to be done after click ok.

###Displaying Modal you can use show/hide methods to show/hide modal


capture modal html element

  //modalTarget contains the html

Modal template data context

Provide a doc property on the info options object to provide a data context for your dialog template

Convenience functions

For any button, you can call the following functions:

  • .disable()
  • .enable()
  • .closeOnClick()
  • .noCloseOnClick()
  • .setLabel()

For example, the following code would change the label of the button and make it so that clicking 'ok' a second time would close the modal.

rd.buttons.ok.on('click', function(button){
  rd.buttons.setLabel('Are you sure?');




reactive bootstrap modals for meteor

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 80.0%Language:HTML 20.0%