jchansen / clank

clankity clankity clankity clank

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Clank is a deployment tool for Atmosphere.


Fetch packages required to build dependencies.

apt-get update
apt-get install -y git python python-pip python-dev libffi-dev libssl-dev

Fetch the repository.

git clone https://github.com/iPlantCollaborativeOpenSource/clank.git

Prepare an environment for clank.

virtualenv clank_env
. clank_env/bin/activate
pip install -r clank/requirements.txt


cd clank
./clank.py --env_file $VARIABLES_YML_FILE

An example of the $VARIABLES_YML_FILE can be found in the dist_files directory.

Running Portions of Clank

Clank's install process is separated into three parts: installation of dependencies, atmosphere, and troposphere. To run specific parts of the deployment process, pass a comma separated list to the --tags option.

Supported tags: dependencies, atmosphere, troposphere

./clank.py --env_file $VARIABLES_YML_FILE --tags dependencies,troposphere

You can actually specify any tag you may find in the roles and playbooks. Clank is a thin-wrapper over ansible.

List of Files Needed Before Hand

######Completed variables.yml file

######Completed Ansible hosts file

######Completed Ansible group_vars directory

The hosts and group_vars files should reflect one another. This would include renaming the dist file to relflect the groups you wish to create with ansible.

######SSL configuration files

  • A organizational cert
  • A bundle cert
  • And a organization ssl key

######SSH keys configuration

  • A private id_rsa file
  • A public id_rsa file

######Atmosphere and Troposphere DB FILES TO BE LOADED (Not required)

  • atmosphere.sql
  • troposphere.sql

The location of these files must be stated in your completed variables.yml.

Contributing to clank

Generally, new roles should be created using ansible-role-template, using Ansible Galaxy and Travis CI as detailed here (only visible to CyVerse staff). k License

See LICENSE file.


clankity clankity clankity clank



Language:Python 100.0%