jcfausto / sm-api

Secret Messages API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Secret Messages API

Build Status security Maintainability Test Coverage

Entrypoint: https://ancient-shelf-11063.herokuapp.com/api

Status Page: https://stats.uptimerobot.com/Pz866IOz2


  • Store geolocated messages
  • Query nearby messages, with optional custom search radius
  • Query for the closest message to a certain position

Notes on security

Authentication and Authorization were not implemented. The API has this purposeful security issue because this is just an exercise. Real APIs must have authentication and authorization. Other issues were checked with Breakman that reported no issue other than the risk of Forgery attacks due to lack the mechanisms stated above.



Attribute Type Required Constraint
content string yes max length = 300 characters
latitude float yes between -90 and 90
longitude float yes between -180 and 180

JSON Schema:

  "content": "your message here",
  "latitude": 54.456744,
  "longitude": 13.974647

API Design

Overview below. For more details, check the API public documentation.


HTTP VERB URL Required query params Optional query params Functionality
POST /messages Creates a new message.
GET /messages type, latitude, longitude radius Fetch nearby messages.
GET /messages type, latitude, longitude Fetch the nearest message.

Query params

Param Valid values example
type nearby, nearest /messages?type=nearby
latitude Float number between -90 and 90 /messages?type=nearby&latitude=52.54124
longitude Float number between -180 and 180 /messages?type=nearby&latitude=52.54124&longitude=13.400241
radius Float number greater than 0 up to 100 /messages?type=nearby&latitude=52.54124&longitude=13.400241&radius=20

How to run this API


  • Rails 5
  • PostgreSQL
    • with an user "postgres"

Optional (Case you want to run on Docker)

  • Docker
  • Docker Compose

Optional (Case you want to run the container on Heroku)

  • Heroku CLI
  • Heroku Container Tools

Running locally

$ git clone https://github.com/jcfausto/sm-api.git
$ bundle install
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
$ rails s

Run the tests:

$ rspec -fd

Note: Test coverage report available inside the ./coverage folder after first run.

Running on Docker

$ git clone [link to repo]
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose run api rake db:create
$ docker-compose run api rake db:migrate
$ docker-compose up

Running the tests on Docker:

$ docker-compose run api rspec -fd

Note: Test coverage report available inside the ./coverage folder after first run.

Running on Heroku

Test first

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose run api rspec -fd

If its is all green, then proceed:

$ heroku login
$ heroku create
$ heroku addons:create heroku-postgresql:hobby-dev
$ heroku container:login
$ heroku config:set RAILS_ENV=production
$ heroku config:set SECRET_KEY_BASE=d5a18ce9dc18caab60995bad06c1b43e9cb62edf5f53f9878a5411b6f1176ee72c514a6e61378f09482a4643a218e08e0cfe9eff0ba76e50e5ac30632ba02e1e
$ heroku container:push web
$ heroku run rake db:migrate

If you want some data, please run:

$ heroku run rake db:seed

Check the db/seed.rb file to know with locations will be available for querying.

Example: Querying for type=nearest&latitude=52.54124&longitude=13.400241 will present to you a secret message posted near this location.

Source code documentation

You can generate source code documentation by running

$ rdoc

Once generated, the docs will be available at the /doc folder inside the project.


Secret Messages API


Language:Ruby 99.3%Language:HTML 0.4%Language:Shell 0.3%