jcesarprog / first-apt

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

This repo contains a script to automate the first apt-get on a new system (Ubuntu).

Tested on Ubuntu 18 and 20 versions

Installs many useful packages

Can be downloaded and executed with the line below:

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jcesarprog/first-apt/master/first_apt-get.sh && bash first_apt-get.sh

List of packages:

  • zenity
  • dialog
  • libncurses5-dev
  • dos2unix
  • docker
  • gcc
  • g++
  • make
  • gconf2
  • rsync
  • xterm
  • htop
  • vim
  • vim-scripts
  • vimrc template
  • emacs
  • initramfs-tools
  • binutils
  • numlockx
  • kernel-package
  • pdfshuffler
  • ubuntu-restricted-extras
  • fonts-firacode
  • geany
  • cups
  • cups-pdf
  • git
  • apt-file
  • gparted
  • gnome-tweak-tool
  • ffmpeg
  • build-essential
  • lzma
  • python3-tk
  • python2.7
  • python3.7.7
  • python3.8
  • wget
  • linux-headers-$(uname -r)
  • tilix
  • curl
  • filezilla
  • alacarte
  • lsb-core
  • gnome-shell-extensions
  • snap
  • snapd
  • copyq
  • guake
  • firefox
  • fish
  • zsh
  • transmission
  • nmap
  • iptraf
  • net-tools
  • screen
  • vlc
  • gimp
  • pinta
  • blender
  • krita
  • simplescreenrecorder
  • obs-studio
  • cheese
  • audacity
  • geogebra
  • octave
  • wireshark
  • virtualbox
  • Google Chrome
  • chrome-gnome-shell
  • VSCode
  • sublime-text
  • anydesk
  • grub-customizer
  • insync
  • nautilus-actions
  • telegram-desktop
  • telegram-cli
  • discord
  • skype
  • slack
  • mailspring
  • gitkraken-amd64
  • timeshift
  • steam
  • ubuntu-make
  • arduino
  • dropbox
  • nautilus-dropbox
  • mlocate



Language:Shell 56.8%Language:Vim Script 43.2%