jcdickman / ionic-techtalk

Example app for Ionic, AngularJS and BreezeJS, with a Node/Express API

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Example app for Ionic, Angular, BreezeJs, and Node/Express API

Quick Start Node/Express API Project Setup

Install Node.js

Install grunt-cli globally

$ sudo npm -g install grunt-cli

The API lives in the aptly named "api" folder. Cd into the api folder

$ cd api

Within /api folder, run npm install (may need sudo depending on the permissions of the folder)

$ npm install

If you plan on using the ngdocs to generate app documentation, within /api folder, run grunt build to build the docs (don't need to do this everytime, only when there are code/comment changes)

$ grunt build

To start the API servces, within /api folder run npm start

$ npm start

The local node services should now be running at localhost:3000

The API uses Sequelize ORM, which expects to have a mysql database running on localhost.

The default credentials are as follows. You can of course modify them to match your specific mysql setup, within config/config.json.

  "development": {
    "username": "ionic",
    "password": "ionic",
    "database": "ionic",
    "host": "",
    "dialect": "mysql",
    "define": {
      "timestamps": false
  "production": {
    "username": "ionic",
    "password": "ionic",
    "database": "ionic",
    "host": "",
    "dialect": "mysql",
    "define": {
      "timestamps": false

To seed the database with data, or to update the schema and reseed when your model changes, with the API running navigate to the dbSeed route:


If you grunt built the documentation:

The node consumer API docs should now be accessible via {path to project root}/apidocs/index.html The node jsdocs should now be accessible via {path to project root}/jsdocs/index.html

Quick Start Ionic App

First, install ionic and cordova

$ npm install -g cordova ionic

Next, from project root cd in to /ionic folder, then use the ionic CLI to create a blank ionic project called "techTalk"

$ cd ionic
$ ionic start techTalk blank

The Angular/Ionic source code resides in the webapp folder. From there, you should be able to install all dependencies, then build the web application into the techTalk/www folder. The build.config.js & Gruntfile.js are setup to do this already based on the the app name being 'techTalk'.

$ cd ..
$ cd webapp
$ npm install
$ bower install
$ grunt build

These commands install all development dependencies, all application dependencies, then builds and deploys the app into the ionic/cordova www folder. To setup the app to run on android and ios, do the following:

$ cd ..
$ cd ionic/techTalk
$ ionic platform add ios
$ ionic platform add android

To build the ionic app for a certain platform, run the following command for that platform

$ ionic build ios

To test the app in a web browser for debugging purposes

$ ionic serve

To emulate the app for a certain platform

$ ionic emulate ios

To test from natively from a mobile device:

For iOS, run the Xcode project in ionicTechtalk/plaforms/ios/techTalk.xcode

For android, simply type:

ionic run android


Example app for Ionic, AngularJS and BreezeJS, with a Node/Express API


Language:JavaScript 95.6%Language:HTML 4.3%Language:CSS 0.1%