jcdesousa / random-reddit-pic

Random Reddit Picture API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Random Reddit Image API

Get random image from configured Reddit channels powered by MongoDB and Python Flask.

You can see a live version of Print to Slack without a Slack channels restriction here.


MongoDB installed.


`pip install -r requirements.txt``

To run

`python server.py``


Theres a config.json file with sample configuration file.

Field Description Required
server_port Flash Server port No
db.name DB Name Yes
db.connection_string MongoDB Connection Yes
db.url_collection Collection to save used urls Yes
print_to_slack If true, will respond in Slack format No
slack_channels List of restricted Slack channels ID's No
categories Name of Reddits channels to get images Yes


Random Reddit Picture API


Language:Python 100.0%