jbshirk / holochain

Holographic storage for distributed applications -- a validating monotonic DHT "backed" by authoritative hashchains for data provenance (a Ceptr sub-project)

Home Page:http://ceptr.org/projects/holochain

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Code Status Travis Go Report Card Gitter In Progress License: GPL v3 Twitter Follow

Holographic storage for distributed applications. A holochain is a monotonic distributed hash table (DHT) where every node enforces validation rules on data before publishing that data against the signed chains where the data originated.

In other words, a holochain functions very much like a blockchain without bottlenecks when it comes to enforcing validation rules, but is designed to be fully distributed with each node only needing to hold a small portion of the data instead of everything needing a full copy of a global ledger. This makes it feasible to run blockchain-like applications on devices as lightweight as mobile phones.

Code Status: Pre-alpha. Not for production use. Security and encryption tasks are still in progress and we still expect to destructively restructure code APIs and data chains at this time. Proof-of-concept was unveiled at our first hackathon (March 2017) and we are targeting an Alpha release in June 2017 when we complete our Security Milestone.

Holochain Links: FAQ Developer Wiki White Paper GoDocs

Table of Contents


Developers Only: At this stage, holochain is only for use by developers (either developers of applications to run on holochains, or developers of the holochain software itself). App developers should bundle their app in an installer as either approach below is not for non-technical folks.

There are two approaches to installing holochain:

  1. as a standard Go language application for direct execution on your machine
  2. using docker for execution in a container.

Which you choose depends on your preference and your purpose. If you intend to develop holochain applications, then you should almost certainly use the docker approach as we provide a testing harness for running multiple holochain instances in a docker cluster. If you will be developing in Go onholochain itself then you will probably end up doing both.

Go Based Install

  1. Install Go on your system. See platform specific instructions and hints below for making this work.
  2. Install the hc command line tool with:
$ go get -d github.com/metacurrency/holochain
$ cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/metacurrency/holochain
$ make
  1. Test that it works (should look something like this):
$ hc -v
hc version 0.0.x (holochain y)


(Unix includes macOS and Linux.) You'll need to have a working environment set up for Go version 1.7 or later. See the installation instructions for Go.

Most importantly you'll need to: (Almost all installation problems that have been reported stem from skipping one of these steps.)

  1. Export the $GOPATH variable in your shell profile.
  2. Add $GOPATH/bin to your $PATH in your shell profile.

For example, add the following to the end of your shell profile (usually ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile):

export GOPATH=`$HOME/go`
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH


First you'll need to install some necessary programs if you don't already have them.

Next, in your Control Panel, select System>Advanced system settings>Environment Variables... and under System Variables do the following:

  1. Add a new entry with the name GOPATH and the value %USERPROFILE%\go (Or your Go workspace folder).
  2. Double-click Path, and in the window that pops up add the following entries:
    • %GOPATH%\bin
    • C:\Go\bin (Or wherever you installed Go to+\bin).
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin (Or wherever you installed GnuWin32 make to+\bin).

Docker Based Install

Using docker, you don't have to install Go first. Our docker scripts manage installation of Go, holochain dependencies and holochain. The docker installation can run alongside Local ("Go") installation of holochain, sharing config directories. See docker usage on our wiki for more on how this works.

  1. Install the latest version of Docker on your machine
    1. Docker Installation. The Community edition; stable is sufficient.
    2. See Docker Getting Started for help.
    3. It is recommended to add your user to the docker group as in: Post Installation Steps, rather than use sudo before all script commands. Holochain Apps cannot exploit the kinds of security concerns mentioned in the Post Installation Steps document.  
  2. Confirm that docker installation and permissions are working by running:
$ docker info
  1. Get our holochain repository from github:
$ git clone https://github.com/metacurrency/holochain.git holochain
$ cd holochain
  1. Build the holochain core with all dependencies
$ docker/build
  • the first time build is run on a machine, it will download Alpine unix, and install all holochain dependencies.
  • During development cycles, docker/build will just compile changes made to the holochain go code, and run tests
  1. To run holochain in your new environment, suitable to continue the walkthrough below in usage
$ docker/run
  1. This will put you into an new command shell that may behave differently than what you're used to. To exit this holochain (Alpine) shell, press Ctrl-D or type exit


These instructions are for using hc the holochain command line interface. They should work equally well for Go based or docker based installation.

(Note that since Holochain is intended to be used behind distributed applications, end users should not have to do much through the command or may not have it installed at all, as the application will have wrapped up the holochain library internally.)

For detailed information on how to use hc, run hc help or for sub-commands run hc <COMMAND> help. For more detailed information, see the wiki page

Getting Started

The instructions below walk you through the basic steps necessary to run a new holochain application. Full application development will require multi-instance integration tests, the harness for which is still in development.

Initializing the Holochain environment

$ hc init 'your@emailaddress.here'

This command creates a ~/.holochain directory for storing all chain data, along with initial public/private key pairs based on the identity string provided as the second argument.

Setting up a Holochain

The basic flow involved in getting a chain running looks like this:

  1. hc clone
  2. hc test
  3. hc gen chain
  4. hc web

Instructions for each of these steps are below...

Cloning Application DNA

You can load a pre-existing Holochain application DNA by running the following command (replacing SOURCE_PATH with a path to an application's DNA and CHAIN_NAME with the name you'd like it to be stored as).


For example: hc clone ./examples/sample sample

You can source from files anywhere; such as a git repo you've cloned, a live chain you're already running in your .holochain directory, or one of the examples included in this repository.

Before you launch your chain, this is the chance for you to customize the application settings like the NAME, and the UUID

Testing your Application

We have designed Holochain around test-driven development, so the DNA should contain tests to confirm that the rest of the DNA is functional.

You can run a chain's tests with:

$ hc test <CHAIN_NAME>

If you're a developer, you should be running this command as you make changes to your DNA files to leverage test-driven development. If the tests fail, then you know your application DNA is broken and you shouldn't think that your chain is going to work. And obviously, please do not send out applications that don't pass their own tests.

Generate New Chain From DNA

After you have cloned a chain, you need to generate the genesis entries which start your new chain in order to use it.

$ hc gen chain <CHAIN_NAME>

The first entry is the DNA which is the hash of all the application code which confirms every person's chain starts with the the same code/DNA. The second block registers your keys so you have an address, identity, and signing keys for communicating on the chain.

Accessing the Web UI

Holochains serve their UI via local web sockets. This let's interface developers have a lot of freedom to build HTML/JavaScript files and drop them in that chain's UI directory. You launch the web UI with:

$ hc web <CHAIN_NAME> [PORT]

In a web browser you can go to localhost:<port> (defaults to 3141) to access UI files and send and receive JSON with exposed application functions.

File Locations

By default hc stores all holochain data and configuration files to the ~/.holochain directory. You can override this with the -path flag or by setting the HOLOPATH environment variable, e.g.:

$ hc -path ~/mychains init '<my@other.identity>'
$ HOLOPATH=~/mychains hc

You can use the form: hc -path=/your/path/here but you must use the absolute path, as shell substitutions will not happen.


The --debug flag will turn on a number of different kinds of debugging. You can also control exactly which of these logging types you wish to see in the chain's config.json file. You can also set the DEBUG environment variable to 0 or 1 to temporarily override your settings to turn everything on or off.

Multi-instance Integration Testing

Building a distributed application requires being able to spin up many instances of it and have them interact. Our docker cluster testing harness automates that process, and enables app developers to specify scenarios and roles and test instructions to run on multiple docker containers.

Please see the App-Testing documentation for details.

Architecture Overview and Documentation

Architecture information and application developer documentation is in our Holochain Wiki.

You can also look through auto-generated reference API on GoDocs


We accept Pull Requests and welcome your participation.

Some helpful links: In Progress

If you'd like to get involved you can:

  • Contact us on Gitter to set up a pair coding session with one of our developers to learn the lay of the land.
  • join our dev documentation calls twice weekly on Tuesdays and Fridays.

Current Throughput graph:

Throughput Graph


Contributors to this project are expected to follow our development protocols & practices.


This project depends on various parts of libp2p, which uses the gx package manager. All of which will be automatically installed by make by following the setup instructions above.


To compile and run all the tests:

$ cd $GOPATH/github.com/metacurrency/holochain
$ make test

If you want to use go test instead of make test, you'll need to do a couple extra things because of this project's dependency on gx:

  • Before running go test you need to run make work to configure the imports properly.
  • If you do this, before commiting you must also run make pub to revert the changes it makes.

The docker setup runs tests automatically during builds.


License: GPL v3

Copyright (C) 2017, The MetaCurrency Project (Eric Harris-Braun, Arthur Brock, et. al.)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the license provided in the LICENSE file (GPLv3). This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Note: We are considering other 'looser' licensing options (like MIT license) but at this stage are using GPL while we're getting the matter sorted out.


  • MetaCurrency & Ceptr: Holochains are a sub-project of Ceptr which is a semantic, distributed computing platform under development by the MetaCurrency Project.  
  • Ian Grigg: Some of our initial plans for this architecture were inspired in 2006 by his paper about Triple Entry Accounting and his work on Ricardian Contracts.  
  • Juan Benet: For all his work on IPFS and being a generally cool guy. Various functions like multihash, multiaddress, and such come from IPFS as well as the libP2P library which we hope helps get peered node communications up and running.  
  • Crypto Pioneers And of course the people who paved the road before us by writing good crypto libraries and preaching the blockchain gospel. Back in 2008, nobody understood what we were talking about when we started sharing our designs. The main reason people want it now, is because blockchains have opened their eyes to the power of decentralized architectures.


Holographic storage for distributed applications -- a validating monotonic DHT "backed" by authoritative hashchains for data provenance (a Ceptr sub-project)


License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Go 96.2%Language:Shell 3.4%Language:Makefile 0.3%Language:Yacc 0.0%