jbrower95 / solabi-loader

Load Smart Contract `.abi.json` files directly into your app!

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a webpack loader that allows you to import the JSON abi of a smart contract, and use it with viem.

  • Per viem's documentation, you cannot directly import the JSON of an ABI today, because TypeScript does not import JSON using the as const structure -- which means some level of type information on the data is lost.
  • This loader fixes that issue by code-generating an equivalent .ts file, which has the ABI with an as const declaration following it. From your main application, you can then import the ABI as normal and viem will work as expected.


  1. Install the loader.
npm i solabi-loader
  1. Under your webpack.config.js, add the loader. Preferably don't try to transform .json directly, since this may have other semantics for your TypeScript compiler or another webpack rule. Here, I've chosen to transform .abi files.
module.exports = {
  entry: './src/index.ts',
  mode: 'production',
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.abi?$/,
        use: 'solabi-loader',
        exclude: /node_modules/,
  1. Update your contract compilation to output its abi JSON file into your App's src/ directory.

  2. From within your app, import the .abi.

import abi from './Counter.abi'; // now possible!

import {createPublicClient, getContract, http} from 'viem';
import {mainnet} from 'viem/chains';

const publicClient = createPublicClient({
    chain: mainnet,
    transport: http()

const contract = getContract({
    address: '0x00',
    client: publicClient


Load Smart Contract `.abi.json` files directly into your app!


Language:TypeScript 65.6%Language:Solidity 23.6%Language:JavaScript 10.8%