Jean-Baptiste Queyrie's following
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- XebiaLabsxebialabs
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- Mehdi OUAZZAmehd-io
- Jaya Haryono Manikjayamanikharyono
- Axel THEVENOTAxelThevenot
- Monica PowellM0nica
- Guillaume SaësGsaes
- Julien RousselJulienRoussel77
- Christophe BlefariBl3f
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- devcontainers
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- quantmetryQuantmetry
- Yolan Honoré-RougéGalileo-Galilei
- dbt Labsdbt-labs
- Sourcerysourcery-ai
- Kedrokedro-org
- Thoughtworks incubatorThoughtWorksInc
- Thoughtworksthoughtworks
- Streamlitstreamlit
- Lightspin (Acquired by Cisco)lightspin-tech