jborden / aural.training

Source code for the aural.training website

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

import { watch } from "rollup"

Aural Training

This is the source code for the aural.training website.


  1. lein must be installed
  2. npm must be installed
  3. rollup must be installed
  4. less must be installed
npm install --global rollup


Run the clojure server

lein repl
aural-training.dev=> (dev-init!)

Watch for typescript changes

rollup -c -w

Open in browser


Connect to the websocket with wscat

wscat --connect ws://localhost:3000/ws


LESS is being used for the css. The following commands will compile and watch

compile css

npm run css

watch css

npm run watch


  1. MVP - note memorization lesson
  2. Public Release to https://aural.training


https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/stroke-opacity might have some interesting ideas for making the pluck strings circles more interesting

Pipeline operator

We investigated using the pipeline operator (|>) and stash some code locally for this. see: https://babeljs.io/docs/en/babel-plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator


  1. We will lose Typescript warnings in the rollup compiliation step.
  2. The lsp linter does not like parsing |>
  3. It's not a R-style pipe or clojure thread, it needs a "topic token", like ^^


React (v18, latest) is not in a place that can be easily used with rollup/tsc. It's a configuration nightmare with no straight forward answer.

Syncing DB

The websocket on the backend needs more work. The frontend dexie db sync seems to delay connecting, or not connect at all.

Freelize Problems

We will need to use something else to process notes. We will need something that uses Fast Fourier Transform (FFT)


Source code for the aural.training website


Language:TypeScript 60.5%Language:Clojure 19.1%Language:Less 10.4%Language:JavaScript 8.9%Language:HTML 0.4%Language:Shell 0.3%Language:Dockerfile 0.3%