jbl2024 / paradigm-client

Python client for LightOn Paradigm

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Python client for LightOn Paradigm Large language Model.


You can install this package from PyPi with:

pip install paradigm-client

Or from source:

pip install -U git+https://github.com/lightonai/paradigm-client.git

Once the package is installed, make sure to define environment variables PARADIGM_API_KEY to your API key, e.g. by adding the following line to your .bashrc

export PARADIGM_API_KEY="<your api key>"

Quick Start

Using paradigm-client is pretty simple, here are a code example to show you how you can use it.

from paradigm_client.remote_model import RemoteModel

model = RemoteModel(model_name="llm-mini")

print(model.create("Hello, I am").completions[0].output_text)

Logging a feedback into Paradigm

After using the Create endpoint of Paradigm, you can log a feedback about it.

Feedback data is expected to be in a dictionary format with a key being one of "flag", "value", "tag" and "comment".

  • flag: used for boolean feedbacks
  • value: used for float feedbacks
  • tag: used for short text feedbacks
  • comment: used for free text feedbacks

Here are the different steps to log a feedback:

  1. If the feedback type you want to use does not exist on Paradigm yet, go to the admin interface of Paradigm and create it.
  2. Get the rating_id of the feedback type you want to use.
  3. Instantiate a RemoteModel object.
  4. Get the completion_id from the response of a RemoteModel.create() call.
  5. Call the log_feedback() method of your RemoteModel object with the rating_id, the completion_id related to your feedback and your feedback data.

Important note: The API Key used to generate the completion_id and to send the feedback must authorize the logging of its requests from the admin interface of Paradigm.

Access to LightOn Paradigm

Learn more about Paradigm: https://www.lighton.ai/fr/paradigm. For a list of use cases: https://www.lighton.ai/fr/blog/ai-use-case-5.

Known Issues

If you find that a RemoteModel instantiation and subsequent completions are unusually slow, it may be that your network does not support IPv6. Try disabling IPv6 and see if that helps.


Python client for LightOn Paradigm

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%