jbarczak / Pyramid

Pyramid Shader Analyzer

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

got crashed for pow function

shadercoder opened this issue · comments

i have test a program
float getpow(float x, float y)
return pow(x,y);

float4 main(float3 tex:TEXCOORD0) : SV_TARGET { return getpow(tex.x, tex.y).xxxx; }

but the Pyramid got crashed
change to float4 main(float3 xx:TEXCOORD0) : SV_TARGET { return getpow(1, 6).xxxx; } is OK.

Seems to be a problem with CodeXL. CodeXL seems to get hung for the first but not the second. You can work around it by disabling the CodeXL backend in Tools->Options. Narrowing the set of asics that CodeXL compiles against may also help.

ok, it works

this tool is really helpful when i read http://www.humus.name/Articles/Persson_LowLevelThinking.pdf
learning low level shading language optimizations