jbants / gbdxrun

Extension to DigitalGlobe/gbdxtools to provide local workflow execution.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Extension to DigitalGlobe/gbdxtools to provide local workflow execution.

Known compatibility issues

The input port directories must be mounted to the Docker container, However string input ports are written to the parent dir /mnt/work/input, which cannot be mounted if the childs are already mounted. At least this was the case at the time of writing the code.

As a work around, all string input ports are provided to the Docker container as Env Vars with a prefix gbdx-input-port-<port_name>=<port_value>. So any task executed with gbdxrun, must be able to fetch string input ports from env vars. For example, the GBDXTaskInterface:

    def __init__(self, work_path="/mnt/work/"):

    >>> above not shown for clarity <<<

    string_input_ports = os.path.join(self.__work_path, 'input', "ports.json")
    if os.path.exists(string_input_ports):
        with open(string_input_ports, 'r') as f:
            self.__string_input_ports = self.load_json_string_inputs(f)
        self.logger.info("Input port file doesn't exist: %s, load from ENV VARS" % string_input_ports)
        self.__string_input_ports = self.load_env_string_inputs()

    def load_json_string_inputs(file_obj):
        Load all string values from the json file
        Note: ENVI requires lists and dictionarys as well as literal types.
            So each value should also be parsed.

        string_inputs = json.load(file_obj)

        for key, value in string_inputs.iteritems():
                # Try to load the value
                string_inputs[key] = json.loads(value)
            except (TypeError, ValueError):
                # If it fails, do nothing.

        return string_inputs

    def load_env_string_inputs():
        # Allow string ports to be stored as env vars
        env_var_ports = {}
        for key, value in os.environ.iteritems():
            if key.startswith('gbdx-input-port-'):
                    # Try to parse to JSON first, for dict and list which will be str -> json.dump'd
                    env_var_ports[key[len('gbdx-input-port-'):]] = json.loads(json.loads(value))
                except ValueError as e:
                    # If the above fails, then the value is a string (not an embedded dict or list)
                    value = json.loads(value)
                    value = True if value == 'True' else value
                    value = False if value == 'False' else value
                    env_var_ports[key[len('gbdx-input-port-'):]] = value

        return env_var_ports

Usage example


pip install git+https://github.com/michaelconnor00/gbdxrun.git

Run a gbdxtools script

from gbdxrun import gbdx

task = gbdx.Task("Mytask")

wf = gbdx.Workflow([task])



Then it can be executed from a terminal by running the script (below), or you can use iPython or Jupyter to run the workflow interactively.

> python myscript.py

Once the workflow is executed, you will see each task's stdout/stderr appear in you console/shell/browser.



Please contribute! Please make pull requests directly to master. Before making a pull request, please:

  • Ensure that all new functionality is covered by unit tests.
  • Verify that all unit tests are passing. TODO use travis to run tests on PRs.
  • Ensure that all functionality is properly documented. TODO use mkdocs or sphinx to generate docs for readthedocs.org
  • Fix all versions in setup.py
  • Update the Changelog with the new features, bug fixes, etc.

Run Tests


Create a new version

To create a new version (after all tests have passed and PR is merged):

bumpversion ( major | minor | patch )
git push --tags

Versioning is according to Symantic Versioning system.


Extension to DigitalGlobe/gbdxtools to provide local workflow execution.


Language:Python 100.0%