jbakosi / neroshop

An online marketplace for Monero users

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


An attempt to create an online marketplace for Monero users, which is likely to fail

alt text

Table of contents


This is currently a work in progress. There is nothing to see here šŸ¤·


  • pseudonymous economy (sellers are only identified by their usernames and trusted based on their reputation)
  • no registration required (for buyers only)
  • no KYC or AML
  • no listing fees
  • no sales tax (transaction fees will be paid to miners in place of sales tax. I mean, this is crypto LOL)
  • no other fees (except for miner transaction fees and shipping costs)
  • buy and sell products with monero (and possibly other private-by-default crypto in the near future)
  • seller reputation system
  • product rating system
  • centralized database (for now, since I don't know how to implement a decentralized database or p2p network)
  • and much more ...

Building neroshop


Library Minimum Ver. Package License Purpose
monero-cpp latest MIT monero wallet and payment system
libbcrypt ? public domain (CC0-1.0) password hashing
sqlite3 ? public domain database management
QR Code generator ? MIT qr code generation
json ? MIT json parsing
curl ? libcurl4-openssl-dev curl currency conversion
openssl 1.1.1 libssl-dev OpenSSL-SSLeay or Apache-2.0 for curl, sha256 sum and message encryption
postgresql ? libpq-dev PostgreSQL server-based database management
dokun-ui n/a MIT graphical user interface

Compiling neroshop from source

  1. Install dependencies


sudo -s -- << EOF
# prerequisites
sudo apt install build-essential cmake git
# neroshop, dokun-ui
sudo apt install libx11-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libssl-dev libpq-dev postgresql
# monero-cpp (monero)
sudo apt update && sudo apt install pkg-config libssl-dev libzmq3-dev libunbound-dev libsodium-dev libunwind8-dev liblzma-dev libreadline6-dev libldns-dev libexpat1-dev libpgm-dev qttools5-dev-tools libhidapi-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler libudev-dev libboost-chrono-dev libboost-date-time-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libboost-locale-dev libboost-program-options-dev libboost-regex-dev libboost-serialization-dev libboost-system-dev libboost-thread-dev python3 ccache doxygen graphviz


# prerequisites
sudo pacman -Sy --needed base-devel cmake git
# neroshop, dokun-ui
sudo pacman -Sy --needed libx11 lib32-mesa lib32-glu openssl postgresql
# monero-cpp (monero)
sudo pacman -Syu --needed boost openssl zeromq libpgm unbound libsodium libunwind xz readline ldns expat gtest python3 ccache doxygen graphviz qt5-tools hidapi libusb protobuf systemd
  1. Clone submodules and nested submodules
cd external
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/monero-ecosystem/monero-cpp.git
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/rg3/libbcrypt.git
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/nayuki/QR-Code-generator.git
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/nlohmann/json.git
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/curl/curl.git
cd ../
  1. Modify external/monero-cpp/external/monero-project/CMakeLists.txt: option(BUILD_GUI_DEPS "Build GUI dependencies." ON)

  2. Build monero-project twice to create libwallet_merged.a and other .a libraries

cd external/monero-cpp/external/monero-project && make release-static && make release-static
cd ../../../../
  1. Build libcurl (skip this step if libcurl is already installed on your system)
cd external/curl
# build with ./configure (libcurl.a will be installed in both: neroshop/external/curl/lib/.libs/ and /usr/local/lib/)
autoreconf -fi
./configure --with-openssl --disable-shared
sudo make install
cd ../../
  1. Build neroshop (along with dokun-ui)
# Build dokun-ui
# make sure CMakeCache.txt, cmake_install.cmake, and Makefile have all been deleted if not
cd external/dokun-ui
cmake -G"Unix Makefiles"
cd ../../
# Build neroshop
cmake -G"Unix Makefiles" -DNEROSHOP_USE_POSTGRESQL=1 -DPostgreSQL_TYPE_INCLUDE_DIR=/usr/include/postgresql/

Setting up PostgreSQL

# Open the configuration file (change the "14" to your current postgresql version)
sudo gedit /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf

# Edit "pg_hba.conf" (change authentication methods from "peer" to "trust"):
"local   all             postgres                                trust"

# Restart the server for the changes in "pg_hba.conf" to take effect: 
sudo service postgresql restart

# Login to the psql shell as user postgres:
psql user=postgres
# Change the password of postgres (within the psql shell)
ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'postgres';

# Create a test database
CREATE DATABASE neroshoptest;
# Leave the psql shell

# You may restore the "pg_hba.conf" values back to the defaults if you wish


I can't do everything on my own with my current knowledge and programming skills, so I will need help with some things. Though I am poor as shit (recently got out of NEETdom so yeah ...), I will open a paid bounty program to encourage individuals who have at least some experience in c++ programming to contribute to my project and help bring this project to life.

This is a one-time pay for each task. Payments will be in XMR.

We can negotiate payment if you feel the bounty price is too low.

$1000 - implement peer-to-peer database or network using system APIs
files to work with: src/daemon.cpp, src/server.cpp, src/client.cpp
libraries used: System libraries (Linux Sockets, Winsock2, etc.)
difficulty: hard
job status: not filled

$500 - create a search engine that can search for item names, seller names and products, etc.

$500 - fix and optimize graphics and adding graphical user interface features (such as scrollbar and scrollarea) using opengl
files to work with: external/dokun-ui/src/renderer.cpp; external/dokun-ui/include/renderer.hpp
libraries used: opengl, vulkan (optional)
difficulty: intermediate
job status: not filled

$250 - convert and export qr code data to PNG
files to work with: src/qr.cpp; include/qr.hpp
libraries used: libpng, QR Code generator
difficulty: intermediate
job status: not filled

$100 - fix decoding error in functions using EVP_PKEY_encrypt() and EVP_PKEY_decrypt()
files to work with: src/encryptor.cpp; include/encryptor.hpp
libraries used: openssl
difficulty: intermediate
job status: not filled

$100 - fetch a list of monero nodes
libraries used: ?
difficulty: intermediate
job status: not filled

$100 - fetch a list of currency prices from various sources
libraries used: libcurl, json
difficulty: intermediate
job status: not filled




An online marketplace for Monero users


Language:C++ 99.4%Language:CMake 0.6%