jaysonfrancis / trading_gym_next

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Trading Gym Next

Trading environment for deep reinforcement learning in finance using backtesting.py

スクリーンショット 2021-09-28 13 25 52


backtesting.py document
backtesting.py github


pip install trading_gym_next


cd examples
python simple_env.py
python custom_env.py
python backtest.py

Quick Start

param = EnvParameter(df=GOOG[:200], mode="sequential", window_size=10)
env = TradingEnv(param)

for i in range(20):
    print("episode: ", i)
    obs = env.reset()
    for k in range(10):
        action = random.choice([0,1,2])
        next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        print("obs", obs.tail())
        print("action: ", action)
        print("date: {}, reward: {}, done: {}, timestamp: {}, episode_step: {}, position: {}".format(info["date"], reward, done, info["timestamp"], info["episode_step"], info["position"]))
        print("next_obs", next_obs.tail())
        obs = next_obs
stats = env.stats()


episode: 0, step: 0, action: 1, reward: 0, done: False, timestamp: 0, episode_step: 0
              Open    High     Low   Close   Volume
2004-08-30  105.28  105.49  102.01  102.01  2601000
2004-08-31  102.30  103.71  102.16  102.37  2461400
2004-09-01  102.70  102.97   99.67  100.25  4573700
2004-09-02   99.19  102.37   98.94  101.51  7566900
2004-09-03  100.95  101.74   99.32  100.01  2578800
episode: 0, step: 1, action: 0, reward: 0.005643005643005683, done: False, timestamp: 1, episode_step: 1
              Open    High     Low   Close   Volume
2004-08-31  102.30  103.71  102.16  102.37  2461400
2004-09-01  102.70  102.97   99.67  100.25  4573700
2004-09-02   99.19  102.37   98.94  101.51  7566900
2004-09-03  100.95  101.74   99.32  100.01  2578800
2004-09-07  101.01  102.00   99.61  101.58  2926700


Start                     2004-08-26 00:00:00
End                       2004-10-14 00:00:00
Duration                     49 days 00:00:00
Exposure Time [%]                   65.714286
Equity Final [$]                     13121.08
Equity Peak [$]                      13121.08
Return [%]                            31.2108
Buy & Hold Return [%]               31.591141
Return (Ann.) [%]                  606.937469
Volatility (Ann.) [%]              208.035025
Sharpe Ratio                         2.917477
Sortino Ratio                       70.468812
Calmar Ratio                       234.874457
Max. Drawdown [%]                   -2.584093
Avg. Drawdown [%]                   -1.606885
Max. Drawdown Duration        6 days 00:00:00
Avg. Drawdown Duration        4 days 00:00:00
# Trades                                    1
Win Rate [%]                            100.0
Best Trade [%]                      31.233132
Worst Trade [%]                     31.233132
Avg. Trade [%]                      31.233132
Max. Trade Duration          30 days 00:00:00
Avg. Trade Duration          30 days 00:00:00
Profit Factor                             NaN
Expectancy [%]                      31.233132
SQN                                       NaN
_strategy                     TradingStrategy
_equity_curve                           Eq...
_trades                      Size  EntryBa...
dtype: object

Custom Environment

class CustomEnv(gym.Wrapper):
    def __init__(self, param: EnvParameter):
        env = TradingEnv(param)
        self.env = env
        self.position_side = 0 # 0: No Position, 1: Long Position, 2: Short Position

    def step(self, action):

        if self.position_side == 1 and action == 1:
            action = 0
        if self.position_side == 2 and action == 2:
            action = 0

        obs, reward, done, info = self.env.step(action, size=1)

        if self.position_side == 1 and action == 2 or self.position_side == 2 and action == 1:
            done = True

        if info["position"].size == 0:
            if self.position_side != 0:
                self.position_side = 0
        elif info["position"].size > 0:
            self.position_side = 1
        elif info["position"].size < 0:
            self.position_side = 2

        return obs, reward, done, info

param = EnvParameter(df=GOOG[:200], mode="sequential", add_feature=True, window_size=10)
env = CustomEnv(param)
for i in range(20):
    print("Episode: ", i)
    obs = env.reset()
    done = False
    while not done:
        action = random.choice([0,1,2])
        next_obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        print("obs", obs.tail())
        print("action: ", action)
        print("date: {}, reward: {}, done: {}, timestamp: {}, episode_step: {}, position: {}".format(info["date"], reward, done, info["timestamp"], info["episode_step"], info["position"]))
        print("next_obs", next_obs.tail())
        obs = next_obs

stats = env.stats()


TradingEnv Methods

Name Description
env.step(action, (*option)) Step environment timestamp. action is [0, 1, 2] 0: HOLD, 1: BUY, 2: SELL
env.reset() Reset environment status.
env.stats() Compute and get statistics data
env.plot((*option)) Plot trade results

env.render method is not implemented.

Env Parameters

Name Default Description
df Required* pandas.DataFrame with columns 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close' and (optionally) 'Volume'.
window_size Required* Window size of observation for each step
add_feature False add reward and position size features on observation
mode "sequential" If "sequential", the next episode begins with a continuation of the time stamp of the previous episode. If "random", The next episode begins with a random timestamp.
step_length 1 How much to shift the timestamp of the next step
cash 10,000 cash
commission .0 commission
margin 1. margin
trade_on_close False trade_on_close
hedging False hedging
exclusive_orders False exclusive_orders

Parameters after cash are backtesting.py parameters. Please see documentation https://kernc.github.io/backtesting.py/

Step Parameters

Name Default Description
action Required* Action is [0, 1, 2] 0: HOLD, 1: BUY, 2: SELL
size _FULL_EQUITY(0.999) Size
limit None Limit Rate
stop None Stop Rate
sl None Stop loss rate
tp None Take profit rate

Parameters excluding action are backtesting.py parameters. Please see documentation https://kernc.github.io/backtesting.py/

Step Example:

obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action, size=0.1, limit=120.13, stop=119.13, sl=118.13, tp=121.13)

Plot Parameters

Name Default Description
results None Results
filename None Filename
plot_width None Plot width
plot_equity True Plot equity
plot_return False Plot return
plot_pl True Plot pl
plot_volume True Plot volume
plot_drawdown False Plot drawdown
smooth_equity False Smooth equity
relative_equity True Relative equity
superimpose True Superimpose
resample True Resample
reverse_indicators False Reverse indicators
show_legend True Show legend
open_browser True Open browser

You don't need input results parameter.
Parameters are backtesting.py parameters. Please see documentation https://kernc.github.io/backtesting.py/

Plot Example:


You can view on browser.

スクリーンショット 2021-09-28 13 25 52



Language:Python 100.0%