jaynzr / cspbuilder

Content Security Policy helper and middleware

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Content Security Policy Builder

Content Security Policy (CSP) builder and middleware for Go.

This allows you to create CSP with Go and integrate with a web framework or net/http.

Supports CSP v3


$ go get -u github.com/jaynzr/csphandler

Simple Usage: Creating Static CSP String

import "github.com/jaynzr/cspbuilder"
import "fmt"

func main() {
    // Starter() creates policy with sensible defaults.
    // default-src 'none';base-uri 'self';script-src 'self';connect-src 'self';img-src 'self';style-src 'self';form-action 'self'
    // use cspbuilder.Policy{} or cspbuilder.New() to start with empty policy
    pol := cspbuilder.Starter()
	pol.UpgradeInsecureRequests = true

    // add script-src
	var d *cspbuilder.Directive = pol.New(cspbuilder.Script, "cdnjs.cloudflare.com", "cdn.jsdelivr.net")
	d.Hash(cspbuilder.SHA512, `doSomething()`)
	d.Add("www.google-analytics.com", cspbuilder.UnsafeInline, cspbuilder.Data)

    // add style-src
	d = pol.New(cspbuilder.Style)
	d.Add(cspbuilder.Self, cspbuilder.UnsafeInline, "cdnjs.cloudflare.com", "fonts.googleapis.com")

    // add img-src
	pol.New(cspbuilder.Img, cspbuilder.All)

    // add font-src
	pol.New(cspbuilder.Font, "fonts.googleapis.com", "fonts.gstatic.com")

    // add frame-ancestors

    // experimental csp v3 require-trusted-types-for
    pol.New(cspbuilder.RequireTrustedTypesFor, cspbuilder.TrustedScript)

	pol.ReportURI = "/_csp-report"


    // default-src 'none';script-src cdnjs.cloudflare.com cdn.jsdelivr.net 'sha512-NrS2FABurNzIW2yTKRxF8X+HMhJh29vd9syOLut1MW4Cd1JeGzZqughLzC+LQr0O8XFhCuR4zyjLgrTQct7jAA==' www.google-analytics.com 'unsafe-inline' data:;connect-src 'self';img-src *;form-action 'self';base-uri 'self';style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' cdnjs.cloudflare.com fonts.googleapis.com;font-src fonts.googleapis.com fonts.gstatic.com;frame-ancestors 'none';require-trusted-types-for 'script';upgrade-insecure-requests;report-uri /_csp-report

Using gin middleware

import "github.com/jaynzr/cspbuilder"
import "github.com/jaynzr/cspbuilder/csphandler/gincsp"

func main() {
	r := gin.Default()

    // Creates new policy
    pol := cspbuilder.Starter()
    // ... Configures policy

    // If policy directive requires nonce, it will be generated per request
    r.Use(gincsp.ContentSecurityPolicy(pol, false))

    r.GET("/", func(c *gin.Context) {
		script := "doSomething();"
        nonce := gincsp.Nonce(c)

        // calculate hash on dynamic script
        gincsp.Hash(c, cspbuilder.Script, cspbuilder.SHA512, script)

		c.String(http.StatusOK, `
        <script nonce="` + nonce + `">doAnother()</script>`)

Using with unrolled/secure middleware

you can use cspbuilder with secure middleware to create the CSP with optional nonce support.

import (


var myHandler = http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
    nonce := secure.CSPNonce(r.Context())

    w.Write([]byte(`<script nonce="` + nonce + `">doSomething()</script>`))

func main() {
    // Creates a new policy
    pol := cspbuilder.New()

    var d *Directive = pol.New(cspbuilder.Script)
    // add unsafe-line, data:, strict-dynamic, nonce sources to script-src
	d.Add(cspbuilder.UnsafeInline, cspbuilder.Data, cspbuilder.Nonce, cspbuilder.StrictDynamic)

    // Builds policy

    secureMiddleware := secure.New(secure.Options{
        // ...
        ContentSecurityPolicy: pol.Compiled,

    app := secureMiddleware.Handler(myHandler)
    http.ListenAndServe("", app)


New directive is added to a policy by running func (pp *Policy) New(name string, sources ...string) *Directive method

var d *Directive = pol.New(...)

First parameter is the string name of the directive. Optional strings populate the directive sources. pol.New(cspbuilding.Style, "static.cdn.com", "*.example.com")

CSP v1, v2 and most of v3 directive names are defined as constants.

Experimental CSP v3 directives can be created

prefetch := pol.New("prefetch-src")

Directive Sources

Sources are added by running Add method. The Add(sources ...string) method appends arbituary string sources to the directive.


pol := cspbuilder.New()

// new script-src Directive, with unsafe-line, data:, strict-dynamic, nonce sources to script-src
var d *Directive = pol.New(cspbuilder.Script, cspbuilder.UnsafeInline, cspbuilder.Data, cspbuilder.Nonce)

// alternatively, you may append the string values using Fetch()
d.Add("cdn.example1.com", "example2.com", "'strict-dynamic'")

// pol.Compiled:
// script-src $NONCE 'unsafe-inline' data: cdn.example1.com example2.com 'strict-dynamic'

s := pol.WithNonce(&nonce)
// WithNonce returns csp string with randomly generated nonce each time it is called.
// script-src 'nonce-XaRmoXF4H4z7AyoqgiNMlw' 'unsafe-inline' data: cdn.example1.com example2.com '<keyword source>' 'strict-dynamic'


To compute and add script and style hashes, run func (d *Directive) Hash(ht hashType, source string). SHA-256, SHA-384 and SHA-512 are supported.

import "github.com/jaynzr/cspbuilder"

var d *Directive = pol.New(cspbuilder.Script)
d.Hash(cspbuilder.SHA512, `doSomething()`)
// 'sha512-NrS2FABurNzIW2yTKRxF8X+HMhJh29vd9syOLut1MW4Cd1JeGzZqughLzC+LQr0O8XFhCuR4zyjLgrTQct7jAA=='

Usage with Nonce and Hashes

import "github.com/jaynzr/cspbuilder"
import "fmt"

func main() {
    var nonce string
    // start with blank policy
    pol := cspbuilder.New()

    // add script-src, with unsafe-line, data:, strict-dynamic, nonce sources to script-src
	var d *Directive = pol.New(cspbuilder.Script, cspbuilder.UnsafeInline, cspbuilder.Data, cspbuilder.Nonce, cspbuilder.StrictDynamic)


    // Placeholder value $NONCE is added to the policy.
    // script-src $NONCE 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-inline' data:

    // WithNonce() to generate random base64 encoded 128-bit string and return the complete CSP string
    s := pol.WithNonce(&nonce)
    // ZNi/o0jlM3cxswKPc+Gr7g
    // to use nonce in html/template, unescape with template.HTMLAttr(`nonce="`+nonce+`"`)

    // nonce is base64 encoded 128-bit rand string
    // script-src 'nonce-ZNi/o0jlM3cxswKPc+Gr7g' 'strict-dynamic' 'unsafe-inline' data:

Credits and References

Content Security Policy (CSP) Quick Reference Guide

go-csp-engine Unit test your CSP rules!

secure Secure is an HTTP middleware for Go that facilitates some quick security wins.

Mitigate cross-site scripting (XSS) with a strict Content Security Policy (CSP)

CSP Evaluator


Content Security Policy helper and middleware

License:MIT License


Language:Go 100.0%