jaylong255 / java-yo

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

My Java Experience

I guess Java is going to keep popping up on my radar. So let's do stuff.

I have near-zero experience in Java and this is the second client in a year that has involved Java development. There's no telling how deep I'll actually go with this but I need to at least understand Java development from a devops perspective. It's also a good way to firm up my understanding of other languages by learning the similarities and nuances between Java development and other familiar languages like Python and Node.js and, yes, unfortunately still PHP as well. Not to mention front end frameworks and libraries like React.js and Next.js and whatever other sexy new tech is what we all have to stop and pivot to immediately or else we will be labelled hopeless dinosaur fools. But I digress.

Things to know in no particular order

  1. Maven
  2. The Project Object Model (POM) - the fundamental unit of work in Maven. It's an XML document that contains configuration in a Maven project.

Actually, lets go ahead and drill down into Maven.


Maven is a project management tool that helps developers create and manage Java-based projects. It's based on the project object model (POM) architecture and can be used for: Project build, Managing dependencies, Documentation.

Maven Interview Questions

Another Good Maven Article
