jaykon-w / optical-js

Javascript colors manipulation library

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A tiny javascript library to manipulate colors


npm i optical-js -s


yarn add optical-js

Optical-js has a Color constructor or isolated functions that allow you to manipulate colors.

In both cases, using by constructor creator or by functions, your can define a color by using one of the colorFormat:

  • Using a rbga object: {r: $red, g: $green, b: $blue, a: $alpha}
  • A hsl string: hsl($hue, $saturation, $light)
  • A hsla string: hsla($hue, $saturation, $light, $alpha)
  • A rba string: rgb($red, $blue, $green)
  • A rgba string: rgba($red, $blue, $green, $alpha)
  • A 3 digitis hexa string: #000
  • A 6 digitis hexa string: #000000
  • A color name: blue
  • A color instance: new Color(blue)

Any one of this formats is accepted.

When you has a color, you can manipulate then, with transformation methods:

  • alpha: (float: [0..1])

Change the alpha channel from this color, accept only decimal values between 0 and 1, Ex:

  new Color('red').alpha(.5) // => rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);
  alpha('red', .5) // => rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5);


  • hue: (int: [0..360])

Change the hue channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 360, Ex:

  new Color({r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1}).hue(90) // => rgb(128, 255, 0);
  hue({r: 255, g: 0, b: 0, a: 1}, 90) // => rgb(128, 255, 0);


  • saturation: (int: [0..100])

Change the saturation channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 100, Ex:

  new Color('rgb(255, 0, 0)').saturation(50) // => rgb(191, 64, 64);
  saturation('rgb(255, 0, 0)', 50) // => rgb(191, 64, 64);


  • light: (int: [0..100])

Change the light channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 100, Ex:

  new Color('rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)').light(80) // => rgb(235, 173, 173);
  light('rgba(255, 0, 0, 1)', 80) // => rgb(235, 173, 173);


  • red: (int: [0..255])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 255, Ex:

  new Color('hsl(0, 100%, 50%)').red(50) // => rgb(50, 0, 0);
  red('hsl(0, 100%, 50%)', 50) // => rgb(50, 0, 0);


  • green: (int: [0..255])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 255, Ex:

  new Color('hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1)').green(50) // => rgb(255, 50, 0);
  green('hsla(0, 100%, 50%, 1)', 50) // => rgb(255, 50, 0);


  • blue: (int: [0..255])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 255, Ex:

  new Color('red').blue(50) // => rgb(255, 0, 50);
  blue('red', 50) // => rgb(255, 0, 50);


  • saturate: (int: [0..100])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 100, Ex:

  new Color('brown').saturate(40) // => rgb(203, 1, 1);
  saturate('brown'), 40) // => rgb(203, 1, 1);


  • desaturate: (int: [0..100])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 255, Ex:

  new Color('red').desaturate(50) // => rgb(191, 64, 64);
  desaturate('red', 50) // => rgb(191, 64, 64);


  • lighten: (int: [0..100])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 255, Ex:

  new Color('red').lighten(20) // => rgb(255, 102, 102);
  lighten('red', 20) // => rgb(255, 102, 102);


  • darken: (int: [0..100])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 255, Ex:

  new Color('red').darken(20) // => rgb(153, 0, 0);
  darken('red', 20) // => rgb(153, 0, 0);


  • opacify: (int: [0..1])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 255, Ex:

  new Color('red').opacify(.2) // => rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8);
  opacify('red', .2) // => rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.8);


  • hueRotate: (int: [0..*])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 255, Ex:

  new Color('red').hueRotate(500) // => rgb(0, 255, 81);
  hueRotate('red', 500) // => rgb(0, 255, 81);


  • redish: (int: [0..255])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 255, Ex:

  new Color('blue').redish(100) // => rgb(100, 0, 255);
  redish('blue', 100) // => rgb(100, 0, 255);


  • greenish: (int: [0..255])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 255, Ex:

  new Color('red').greenish(100) // => rgb(255, 100, 0);
  greenish('red', 100) // => rgb(255, 100, 0);


  • blueish: (int: [0..255])

Change the red channel from this color, accept only integer values between 0 and 255, Ex:

  new Color('red').blueish(100) // => rgb(255, 0, 100);
  blueish('red', 100) // => rgb(255, 0, 100);


  • multiply: (color: [colorFormat])

Apply Multiply color algorithm, accept all of the colors formats, Ex:

  new Color('red').multiply('blue') // => rgb(128, 0, 128);
  multiply('red', 'blue') // => rgb(128, 0, 128);


  • screen: (color: [colorFormat])

Apply Screen color algorithm, accept all of the colors formats, Ex:

  new Color('red').screen('blue') // => rgb(255, 0, 255);
  screen('red', 'blue') // => rgb(255, 0, 255);


  • overlay: (color: [colorFormat])

Apply Overlay color algorithm, accept all of the colors formats, Ex:

  new Color('red').overlay('blue') // => rgb(255, 0, 0);
  overlay('red', 'blue') // => rgb(255, 0, 0);


  • mix: (color: [colorFormat], weight: [0..1])

Apply Mix color algorithm, accept all of the colors formats, and a weight to represent amount strength is the mixed color, 0.5 is the middle between the colors strength on the mix Ex:

  new Color('red').mix('blue', 30) // => rgb(179, 0, 77);
  mix('red', 'blue', 30) // => rgb(179, 0, 77);


  • difference: (color: [colorFormat])

Apply Difference color algorithm, accept all of the colors formats, Ex:

  new Color('red').difference('blue') // => rgb(255, 0, 255);
  difference('red', 'blue') // => rgb(255, 0, 255);


  • divide: (color: [colorFormat])

Apply Divide color algorithm, accept all of the colors formats, Ex:

  new Color('red').divide('blue') // => rgb(198, 255, 0);
  divide('red', 'blue') // => rgb(198, 255, 0);


  • addition: (color: [colorFormat])

Apply Addition color algorithm, accept all of the colors formats, Ex:

  new Color('red').addition('blue') // => rgb(255, 0, 255);
  addition('red', 'blue') // => rgb(255, 0, 255);


  • subtract: (color: [colorFormat])

Apply Subtract color algorithm, accept all of the colors formats, Ex:

  new Color('brown').subtract('darkblue') // => rgb(165, 42, 0);
  subtract('brown', 'darkblue') // => rgb(165, 42, 0);


  • darkenOnly: (color: [colorFormat])

Apply DarkenOnly color algorithm, accept all of the colors formats, Ex:

  new Color('brown').darkenOnly('magenta') // => rgb(165, 0, 42);
  darkenOnly('brown', 'magenta') // => rgb(165, 0, 42);


  • lightenOnly: (color: [colorFormat])

Apply LightenOnly color algorithm, accept all of the colors formats, Ex:

  new Color('brown').lightenOnly('magenta') // => rgb(255, 42, 255);
  lightenOnly('brown', 'magenta') // => rgb(255, 42, 255);


Use case

A famous library call styled-component is very usefull for react aplicattions.

styled-components is the result of wondering how we could enhance CSS for styling React component systems. By focusing on a single use case we managed to optimize the experience for developers as well as the output for end users.

by styled-component

This library replace preprocessors like sass or less, but, styled-components not has alternatives to manipulate colors like less or sass. With optical-js you can continue to use that colors manipulation methods.

import { darken, ligthen } from 'optical-js';
import * as React from 'react';
import styled from 'styled-components';

const colors = {
  primary: '#2196f3',
  secondary: '#8bc34a',
  default: '#dedede';

const getColor = (color) => colors[color] || colors.default;

const Button = styled.button`
  background: ${props => getColor(props.color)};
  color: white;
  border: 2px solid ${props => darken(getColor(props.color), 10)};
  border-radius: 3px;

  &:hover {
    background: ${props => ligthen(getColor(props.color), 10)};


Javascript colors manipulation library


Language:TypeScript 100.0%