jayjson / MovieDatabase-iOS

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Movie Database App (SwiftUI)

Home Screen Details Page
Movie Database App screenshot1 2 Movie Database App screenshot2 2


  • This project contains an app that fetches and displays a list of popular movies from the TMDB API. The app uses SwiftUI and the MVVM + Coordinator architectural pattern to support quick product iterations, and its core functionalities are covered by unit tests to prevent regressions.
  • For more info on the TMDB API, visit: https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/introduction.

What's Covered

General / Across the App

  • MVVM + Coordinator Design Pattern: To create a scalable and maintainable application, separating the business logic from the view layer.
  • Repository Layer: For data management and network logic, providing an abstraction over data sources and ensuring a single source of truth.
  • Protocol-Oriented Programming & Mock Objects: To increase the testability of the code and to maintain a high level of software quality.
  • Unit Tests for View Models: To ensure application reliability and prevent regressions.
  • Swift Concurrency: To fetch remote data, providing a more readable and safe way to write asynchronous code.
  • Error Handling: To improve user experience and application reliability.

Screen 1 (Popular Movies)

  • Use of a lazy grid to display movie posters and titles
  • Pagination for fetching popular movies data
  • Handling different scenarios related to fetching movies data and images
  • Caching for offline support and faster load times
  • Use of a navigation stack to support multiple pushes
  • Dynamic sizing of cells

Screen 2 (Movie Details)

  • Displaying movie details including title, backdrop image, cast images, and similar movies
  • Displaying images while retaining original aspect ratios
  • Support for navigating into similar movies

How to Run the App

  1. Open the Xcode project file located in the root folder using Xcode 14.0 or later.
  2. Navigate to the MovieDatabaseApp.swift file and insert a valid TMDB API key into the MovieCoordinator initializer.
  3. Build and run the application on iOS 16 or later.

3rd party libraries used



Language:Swift 100.0%