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awesome open-source GPTs and GPT-based applications


项目名称 stars 主项目方 备注
Stanford Alpaca GitHub stars 斯坦福大学 Below is a command that fine-tunes LLaMA-7B with our dataset on a machine with 4 A100 80G GPUs in FSDP(Fully Sharded Data Parallel) mode.
骆驼(Luotuo) GitHub stars 华中师范大学、商汤科技 项目方购买autoDL上的GPU租赁服务(A100)来训练模型。(我们仍然需要后续训练10个以上的模型,所以我们期望2万左右的赞助总额)。附有相关开源项目列表。
Colossia-AI GitHub stars 新加坡国立大学 A mini demo training process requires only 1.62GB of GPU memory (any consumer-grade GPU). Increase the capacity of the fine-tuning model by up to 3.7 times on a single GPU.
GPT4All GitHub stars Nomic AI (IN PROGRESS) Build easy custom training scripts to allow users to fine tune models.
vicuna GitHub stars UC伯克利、CMU、斯坦福、UCSD、MBZUAI 使用:Vicuna-13B需要大约28GB的GPU显存;如果没有足够的显存,则可以使用模型并行来聚合同一台机器上多个GPU的显存;如果想在CPU上运行,则需要大约60GB的内存。训练:Vicuna可以在8个拥有80GB内存的A100 GPU上进行训练。
LMFlow GitHub stars 香港科技大学统计和机器学习实验室 The LLaMA 33B (LoRA) performance is achieved with only ~16h finetuning on the training split of PubMedQA and MedMCQA with a single 8 x A100 server. GPT-neo-2.7b model can be train on a single RTX3090(24G) but it is a rather weak model, which only supports English and may sometimes generate unsatisfactory responses.
ChatGLM-6B GitHub stars Knowledge Engineering Group (KEG) & Data Mining at Tsinghua University 结合模型量化技术,用户可以在消费级的显卡上进行本地部署(INT4 量化级别下最低只需 6GB 显存)。为了方便下游开发者针对自己的应用场景定制模型,我们同时实现了基于 P-Tuning v2 的高效参数微调方法 (使用指南) ,INT4 量化级别下最低只需 7GB 显存即可启动微调。
Dolly GitHub stars Databricks A10 GPUs(The 6.9B and 2.8B param models should work as-is). V100 GPUs(When using V100s (ex: p3.2xlarge, 1 x V100 16GB, NC6s_v3), in all cases, set torch_dtype=torch.float16 in pipeline() instead).
Mini-GPT GitHub stars Vision CAIR Group, KAUST, supported by Mohamed Elhoseiny To save GPU memory, Vicuna loads as 8 bit by default, with a beam search width of 1. This configuration requires about 23G GPU memory for Vicuna 13B and 11.5G GPU memory for Vicuna 7B.
MOSS GitHub stars Fudan University MOSS是一个支持中英双语和多种插件的开源对话语言模型,moss-moon系列模型具有160亿参数,在FP16精度下可在单张A100/A800或两张3090显卡运行,在INT4/8精度下可在单张3090显卡运行。


项目名称 stars 项目描述 主项目方
JARVIS GitHub stars a system to connect LLMs with ML community(HuggingGPT) Microsoft
Auto-GPT GitHub stars Auto-GPT: An Autonomous GPT-4 Experiment Significant Gravitas
AgentGPT GitHub stars Assemble, configure, and deploy autonomous AI Agents in your browser. reworkd
DeepSpeed GitHub stars DeepSpeed empowers ChatGPT-like model training with a single click, offering 15x speedup over SOTA RLHF systems with unprecedented cost reduction at all scales. Microsoft
DeepSpeed-Chat GitHub stars Easy, Fast and Affordable RLHF Training of ChatGPT-like Models at All Scales. (See the following table for the E2E time breakdown for training a 1.3 billion parameter ChatGPT model via DeepSpeed-Chat on a single commodity NVIDIA A6000 GPU with 48GB memory, in 2.2hr.) Microsoft


Google的LaMDA(137B)和PaLM(540B),DeepMind的Gopher(280B)、BigScience的BLOOM(175B)、Meta的OPT(175B)、Nvidia的TNLG v2(530B)以及清华大学的GLM-130B(130B)、OpenAI的GTP-1(0.117B)/GPT-2(1.5B)/GPT-3(175B)/GPT-3.5(175B)/GPT-4(未公开,猜测为100 x 1000B)、OpenAI开放的finetune模型Ada(0.35B)/Babbage(1.3B)/Curie(6.7B)/Davinci(175B)。


项目名称 stars 项目描述 主项目方
Fay GitHub stars 数字人 TheRamU
