Building and maintaining a website is an essential task for any business or organization. This project aims to ease the workflow of getting a website up and running by developing reusable Gatsby Components which are easily plugable to create Gatsby websites with ease.
Website built with Webiu:
The project is based on ReactJs, JavaScript and GatsbyJs. You need to make sure that you have compatible versions of node/yarn, npm installed. SASS as the stylesheet is used in this project.
Fork the repository as your own copy <Your Username> /Webiu.git
Clone the repository in your local system
git clone <Your Username> /Webiu.git
You will need to have Gatsby CLI installed into your system Go to the offical Gatsby documentation and proceed further to set up the Gatsby CLI
cd Webiu
npm install
Got Stuck? Don't forget to give a look to the troubleshooting guides
If everythings seems normal, you are good to go :)
run npm develop
or gatsby develop
Your site must be visible at
The webiu components now have a seperate dedicated npm-package which increases its reach to the developers. It has all the components exported and can be easily plugged into your next project. It is highly recommended to install and use the package:
The npm package of webiu can be used in your next proejct. A sample project demonstrating he use-cases of the package is developed and is visible at:
All the webiu components are well-documented using StoryBook, a powerful visualization tool for reviewing UI. The storybook for webiu is deployed live on:
And, it is also deployed on chromatic -
We value our contributers a lot and would appreciate contributions to our project. Please make sure to follow our contributing guidelines. Please clearly explain any bugs, issues or feature requests (use screenshots wherever applicable) before opening any issue or pull request.