jaydevs / roadrunner-rails

Base rails project with the VA special sauce.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Roadrunner Rails

Build Status

Roadrunner Rails is a template for new Rails projects for the VA. It's pre-customized to work within the VA ecosystem.

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Ruby Setup

In order to use Roadrunner Rails, you'll need Ruby installed, and rbenv to manage your Ruby versions. Follow the instructions to install rbenv and then to install Ruby 2.3.

Other Dependencies

You'll need to install the following other applications and libraries.

  • PhantomJS
    • Mac w/ Homebrew: brew install phantomjs

Creating a New Roadrunner Project

First, clone the roadrunner-rails repository into a new folder with your project name. Seperate words in the folder name using hyphens (example: my-new-project).

$ git clone https://github.com/department-of-veterans-affairs/roadrunner-rails my-new-project

Then run the setup script:

$ cd my-new-project
$ ./bin/setup

After that, you should be ready to roll! Use any of the Rails commands (like rails s) or try some of the commands below.

Following this, there are a few last things you should do:

  • Add your project to a new GitHub repository
    • Make the master branch a protected branch
  • Enable Travis CI to build/lint your code when new pull requests are committed
  • Fill in the details in the generated README.md file (including updating the TravisCI image)

Beep, beep!


  • bundle exec rake lint - Run the full suite of linters on the codebase.
  • bundle exec guard - Runs the guard test server that reruns your tests after files are saved. Useful for TDD!
  • bundle exec rake security - Run the suite of security scanners on the codebase.
  • bundle exec rake ci - Run all build steps performed in Travis CI.


Roadrunner Rails adds some additional gems for making Rails development better.


  • RSpec - Ruby testing framework for readable BDD tests.
  • RSpec Rails - Rails helpers for rSpec.
  • Guard - Testing server for better TDD flow.
  • Capybara - DSL for easily writing automated feature tests.
  • Sniffybara - Custom Poltergeist (PhantomJS) driver for Capybara that checks for accessibility defects in your feature tests.



  • Brakeman for Rails static code analysis for secuirty vulnerabilities
  • bundler-audit for checking known security vunerabilities of gems.


Base rails project with the VA special sauce.



Language:Ruby 85.9%Language:HTML 11.1%Language:CSS 1.6%Language:JavaScript 1.4%