jawwad / AlamofireActivityLogger

A response serializer for Alamofire which logs both request and response. It provides 4 log levels and a few options to configure your logs.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


A response serializer for Alamofire which logs both request and response. It provides 4 log levels and a few options to configure your logs.

AlamofireActivityLogger is available for:

  • iOS (from 9.0)
  • macOS (from 10.11)
  • watchOS (from 2.0)
  • tvOS (from 9.0)

NOTE: This version is written for Alamofire 4.x and Swift 3. To support Swift 2 and Alamofire 3.x use the version 1.0.1.

Installing AlamofireActivityLogger

Using CocoaPods

Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'AlamofireActivityLogger'

Then run $ pod install.

And finally, in the classes where you need AlamofireActivityLogger:

import AlamofireActivityLogger

If you don’t have CocoaPods installed or integrated into your project, you can learn how to do so here.


To log a request you just have to write:

request(.get, URL)

Additionally, you can provide the log level and some options:

request(.get, URL)
    .log(level: level, options: options)

Let's see the levels and options.


Are instances of the enum LogLevel. The available values are:

  • none: Do not log requests or responses.

  • all: Logs HTTP method, URL, header fields, & request body for requests, and status code, URL, header fields, response string, & elapsed time for responses.

  • info: Logs HTTP method & URL for requests, and status code, URL, & elapsed time for responses.

  • error: Logs HTTP method & URL for requests, and status code, URL, & elapsed time for responses, but only for failed requests.

The default value is all.


Are instances of the enum LogOption. The available values are:

  • onlyDebug: Only logs if the app is in Debug mode

  • jsonPrettyPrint: Prints the JSON body on request and response

  • includeSeparator: Include a separator string at the begining and end of each section

The default value is [.onlyDebug, .jsonPrettyPrint, .includeSeparator].

Supported requests

At the moment, AlamofireActivityLogger has support for DataRequest and DownloadRequest. If you need to add support to any other Request subclass, just make it conforms the LoggeableRequest protocol. Take a look at the DataRequest implementation to know how.


Manuel García-Estañ Martínez


AlamofireActivityLogger is available under the MIT license.


A response serializer for Alamofire which logs both request and response. It provides 4 log levels and a few options to configure your logs.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 93.9%Language:Ruby 6.1%