jawher-Mansour / ScanTech_Web_Test

.Net Test for Web developer position at ScanTech Solutions

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



To complete this challenge, you will need to write a simple stock management web app, and provide us the source files to be built. The purpose of this challenge is to assess your skills and approach to composing a simple stock management web app given a set of pages . We will also assess the generated output files. This challenge is expected to take about 4-5 hours.

Let's start

Fork the Repository

You need to fork this repository. A fork creates a copy of a GitHub repository in your own GitHub account. Thus, you have permission to make changes to the content of your copied repository without ever changing the original one. At the time of your fork, you will copy all of the current contents and the two repositories are now independent. So if someone commits changes to the original repository, they will not affect your forked copy.

Fork the original repository https://github.com/jawher-Mansour/ScanTech_Web_Test by clicking the Fork button at the upper right corner of the repository page. This will take you to the GitHub page for your very own GitHub repository! It should have a URL like the one below (where should be your new GitHub ID):

https://github.com/<your GitHub ID>/ScanTech_Web_Test

Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/<your GitHub ID>/ScanTech_Web_Test

Push the changes to your remote repository

Now that you have completed the Markdown exercise, push your changes and new files to your version of the exercise repository.

First you will have to stage all of your changes by adding them, if your current working directory is in the repository, then you simple have to stage all the new files:

git add .

Now that the files are staged, commit them to your local repository and include a commit message (note that you do not have to use the same commit message completed the project and you can choose something else that you feel is descriptive and informative, just be sure to keep the "" ):

git commit -m "completed the project"

With the changes committed to your local repository, you can now push them to your remote host on GitHub:

git push

Share your folder by pull request

You need to share your work with us, add them to the course repository that you had initially forked with a pull request.

Pull requests let you tell others about changes you've pushed to a repository on GitHub. Once a pull request is opened, you can discuss and review the potential changes with collaborators and add follow-up commits before the changes are merged into the repository.

Begin by going to https://github.com/jawher-Mansour/ScanTech_Web_Test and clicking on the Pull requests button near the top then New pull request .

This will bring you to a page that will allow you to compare across changes. Since you wish to submit changes on a different fork, then click on the hyperlinked phrase compare across forks.

Once you have done this, you have opened a pull request . GitHub then makes it possible for you to review the differences between the two repositories. You can then write a message about this merge. It is always important for these messages to be thorough and thoughtful.

When you complete the message click the green Create pull request button.

Your changes to the repository will not be incorporated into the original repository until one of the repository administrators reviews and accepts the edits.


.Net Test for Web developer position at ScanTech Solutions