jawadahmed2 / Dockerized-and-Scalable-WordPress-Cluster-with-MySQL-Replication

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Dockerized and Scalable Wordpress Cluster With MySQL Replication

MySQL 8.0 master-slave replication with using Docker.


To run this examples you will need to start containers with "docker-compose" and after starting setup replication. See commands inside ./build.sh.

Create 2 MySQL containers with master-slave row-based replication


Make changes to master

docker exec mysql_master sh -c "export MYSQL_PWD=111; mysql -u root mydb -e 'create table code(code int); insert into code values (100), (200)'"

Read changes from slave

docker exec mysql_slave sh -c "export MYSQL_PWD=111; mysql -u root mydb -e 'select * from code \G'"


Check Logs

docker-compose logs

Start containers in "normal" mode

Go through "build.sh" and run command step-by-step.

Check running containers

docker-compose ps

Clean data dir

rm -rf ./master/data/*
rm -rf ./slave/data/*

Run command inside "mysql_master"

docker exec mysql_master sh -c 'mysql -u root -p111 -e "SHOW MASTER STATUS \G"'

Run command inside "mysql_slave"

docker exec mysql_slave sh -c 'mysql -u root -p111 -e "SHOW SLAVE STATUS \G"'

Enter into "mysql_master"

docker exec -it mysql_master bash

Enter into "mysql_slave"

docker exec -it mysql_slave bash

Restart the container if there is issue

docker-compose restart

Access The Wordpress Site

  • Go to the browser and enter the just
  • localhost
  • The ingnix server will redirect the default localhost 80 to the wordpress 1 site

Down the Wordpress1 container

  • Now for testing, down the wordpress1 container using below command, in this way the wordpress2 will activate and the data is synchronised.
  • docker stop wordpress1
  • Now again run the localhost
  • And check out the logs so it will show the wordpress2 will be activated
  • docker logs wordpress2



Language:Shell 100.0%