R introductory course: slides and materials
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Teaching materials elaborated by Javier Martinez Lopez and Maria F. Carreño Fructuoso
Link to the on-line presentation
right arrow: next section; down arrow: subsections
- Raw slides are written using markdown syntax in the introduccion.md file
- You need a recent version of pandoc to convert the .md to other formats
- To convert the .md into an html reveal presentation use the md2reveal.sh script (keeping the folder structure)
- To convert the .md into a pdf document use the md2latex.sh script and the compile it with pdflatex (you also need LaTex installed)
- You can find the necessary data files in the data_files folder
- The logo image at beginning of the presentation must be a file named logo.png
Tested under a Linux Ubuntu/Debian environment