javier / SpringBoot-QuestDB-Mybatis

SpringBoot+QuestDB+Mybatis CRUD demo. Thank you banmajio for example!

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SpringBoot QuestDB Mybatis

Demo project to use QuestDB with SpringBoot and Mybatis.

Project forked from SpringBoot整合PostgreSQL+Mybatis demo, by banmajio (thanks!)

Getting started

If your QuestDB runs at localhost, using the default port 8812, database qdb, user admin, and password quest you are all set. Otherwise, please do change the file ./src/main/resources/application.yml accordingly.


You need Java and Maven. Build with

mvn install


Start the server with

java -jar target/SpringBoot-QuestDB-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

After a few seconds you should see a log line saying:

INFO 37738 --- [           main] o.s.b.w.embedded.tomcat.TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path '/QuestDB'

Trying out the application

Please note there is no error control. If you try to select from a nonexisting table, or similar statements, QuestDB will throw an error and the application will just show an ugly generic message. Check your logs for extra information. Also, no attempts at security, performance, or even correctness have been done for this example. This is just a template to help configure mybatis and QuestDB.

Before we start inserting or querying data we need a table. You can create the table user_test by calling http://localhost:8080/QuestDB/create

Behind the scenes, the following SQL will be issued

CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS user_test(ts timestamp, name symbol, age int)
		DEDUP UPSERT KEYS(ts, name);

To insert some data, just replace parameters on this URL http://localhost:8080/QuestDB/insert?name=javier&age=25

And this is the SQL statement that will be executed:

insert into
user_test(ts, name,age) values(now(), #{name},#{age})

Now you can query your user list via http://localhost:8080/QuestDB/select

For this SQL

select * from user_test

You can update any existing user, by providing the name and new age, as in http://localhost:8080/QuestDB/update?name=javier&age=45

It will trigger this statement:

update user_test set
age=#{age} where name = #{name}

You can query your data again to see the updated record with http://localhost:8080/QuestDB/select

If you want to empty the table contents, but keep the table around, you can use http://localhost:8080/QuestDB/truncate

A select statement now should show and empty result set, via http://localhost:8080/QuestDB/select

And whenever you want to drop the table, just call http://localhost:8080/QuestDB/drop

Which will trigger

drop table user_test


SpringBoot+QuestDB+Mybatis CRUD demo. Thank you banmajio for example!


Language:Java 100.0%