javamonkey / template-engine-benchmarks

benchmark collection for template engine

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a benchmark program for a collection of Java template engines:
  * stringbuilder - the baseline. manually created page using StringBulder
  * freemarker - v2.3.19
  * velocity - v1.7
  * rythm - v1.0-b2
  * httl - 1.0.7
  * beetl - 1.2
  * jamon - 2.3
  * jangod - no version info
  * thymeleaf - 2.0.15

You need apache ant to run the program, just type "ant" and it will start. 
This program accept parameters to configure how to run the benchmark:

 1. out: specify how to output rendering result, could be:
   * os: output to OutputStream (default);
   * w:  output to Writer
   * s:  return String

 2. wtimes: specify number of warm up loops.
    default: 100

 3. ntimes: specify number of benchmark loops.
    default: 10000

 4. buf: specify whether use BufferedWriter or OS
    default: true
 5. for rythm engine only. specify whether use new API to
    run rythm benchmark or not. Default: false

The arguments should be passed in using property setting. e.g

   ant -Dout=w \
       -Dwtimes=10 \
       -Dntimes=1000 \
       -Dbuf=false \

Should you have any suggestion or comments, please raise issue via

Note since jangod and thymeleaf is way slow than all others, they are not put into the default target. To benchmark jangod and thymeleaf, run `ant all`


benchmark collection for template engine