javajohnHub / ntersol-angular-starter

Angular starter

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Angular Starter

A rapid starter project for creating Angular single page apps. Contains Angular, ngPrime, Akita and more. Built with Angular CLI.

Quick Start

# Open a terminal/command and navigate to the directory where the starter is needed

# Clone the latest
git clone

# Rename the directory
ren angular-starter MY_APP_NAME

# Navigate into the newly renamed directory

# Relies on node 14 installed, higher versions not yet supported
nvm use

# See Angular CLI github page for full usage:
npm install -g @angular/cli

# Install the repo with npm
npm i

# Start the app
ng serve


# Serve dev on http://localhost:4200/
ng serve

# Prod Build for targeted environment. Files will appear in the dist folder
npm run build:qa # Uses settings from
npm run build:uat # Uses settings from environment.uat.ts
npm run build:prod # Uses settings from

# Serve prod build from dist folder at
# Requires http server which can be installed with `npm install http-server -g`
npm run prod

# Run prettier which will format the code in the entire project
npm run format

# Run prod build and then use webpack bundle analyzer to check bundle sizes and composition
# Documentation located in /documentation/
npm run stats

# Automatically generate documentation
npm run docs

# Run e2e protractor tests
ng e2e

# Run e2e protractor tests without rebuilding every time (faster)
ng e2e --s false

# Update NPM dependencies via Angular CLI
ng update

# Deploy dist folder to git pages. Be sure to update deploy script in package.json
npm run deploy

# Use Scully to pregenerate a static version of the site ( for SSR. Make sure to do a prod build first
# Use the --scanRoutes param to update the routes that Scully scans
npx scully

# Serve the static site generated by Scully
npx scully serve

Localizing Your App


  • If using github pages, update the npm run deploy command in this file to include the correct slug. IE replace /angular-starter/ with your url

src > environments > defaults.ts + src > environments >

  • Localize environment settings and properties in these files. Enable/disable app functionality as needed

src > app > shared > app.settings.ts

  • Add/change global app & environment variables

src > index.html

  • Update any header changes to the html in this file. IE logo, navigation, etc

src > manifest.json

  • Change the site info in this file to be specific to your app. Make sure the start Url property matches your production URL

src > assets > icons

  • Change these icons to ones for your app

src > apple-touch-icon + favicon.ico + safari-pinned-tab.svg

  • Change these icons to ones for your app

src > ngsw-config.json

  • Update any dependencies needed for the service worker. Use asset groups for site resources & use dataGroups for API calls

Useful Tools

VSCode Tools

Visual Studio Tools

Bit Usage

Review bit documentation here: Ntersol bit library is here:

One line wonders:

  • Get and update to latest everything: npm run bit:pull
  • Tag and push everything: npm run bit:push

Additional Info:

  • Install/update bit cli npm install bit-bin -g
  • See list of outdated components bit list --outdated
  • To get the latest version of everything, run bit import && bit checkout latest --all. Import downloads the latest version from the remote server and checkout switches to that version
  • Check status of local component environment, IE which components have been updated and are ready for tagging/uploading bit status
  • When components are ready to have their changes exported, first run bit tag --all or bit tag --all 1.0.0 to set a new semver version and then export with bit export nts.angular
  • Add a new component to a namespaced project with bit add src/app/components/general/new-component --namespace components/general. See for the locations and namespaces of components.

When bit goes wrong:

  • Bit likes to add extra namespaced lines to the root package.json even if you aren't using the npm package. It can cause issues so remove that extra line
  • When adding a bit lib to a new project, but likes to add a node_modules directory into the lib directory. This should be deleted
  • Sometimes when getting the latest component, bit adds lots of extra carriage returns. To fix this run checkout with the reset command npm run bit:reset

Add bit to a new project

  1. In the root directory, run bit init
  2. Add .bit/ to your root .gitignore file
  3. In the root package.json directory, change the bit entry to the following. Update the componentsDefaultDirectory if necessary
"bit": {
    "env": {},
    "componentsDefaultDirectory": "src/app/{name}",
    "saveDependenciesAsComponents": true,
    "packageManager": "npm",
    "resolveModules": {
      "modulesDirectories": [
  1. Navigate to the newly created component folder, IE src/app/components/general and delete the node_modules folder and package.json files

Useful Info

Lazy load libraries. Normally libraries that are shared between lazy loaded routes are all bundled into a single master bundle. This approach will bundle them separately.

  • Add a module in app > components > libs > * that imports the library and then exports it
  • Export the module in the barrel file in app > components > libs > index.ts
  • In angular.json, add the path to the module in projects > architect > build > options > lazyModules
  • In the module where the library is needed, import the lazy loaded module from the barrel like import { DatagridModule } from '$features'; and then add to the ngModule imports array

When working with Yarn/NPM Link and your local NPM package src folders (uncompiled .ts), use the following boilerplate in your root tsconfig so that Angular CLI will compile and build on save and not throw an Angular package error

"include": [


Angular starter

License:MIT License


Language:SCSS 56.8%Language:TypeScript 35.9%Language:HTML 4.5%Language:JavaScript 2.6%Language:Batchfile 0.2%