Download and install Docker desktop for Mac from here.
Download and install ngrok for Mac from here
Once ngrok is installed, run the below command to start ngrok tunnel
ngrok http 8000
This will spin up a ngrok tunnel with a host name that will proxy slack's API calls to our local server.
- Create a new slack app from here
- Choose
Create from an app manifest
and ask someone from Slack Team to share an existing manifest file. - After a new app is created you'll need to replace the existing ngrok urls to the ngrok server url that you started in the manifest of the new app that you created.
Create an .env file in the root directory with the following entries:
SECRET_KEY=fakedjangosecretkey FYLE_CLIENT_ID=fakefyleclientid FYLE_CLIENT_SECRET=fakefyleclientsecret FYLE_ACCOUNTS_URL=fakefyleaccounturl FYLE_BRANCHIO_BASE_URI=fakefylebranchiobaseuri SLACK_CLIENT_ID=fakeslackclientid SLACK_CLIENT_SECRET=fakeslackclientsecret SLACK_APP_TOKEN=fakeslackapptoken SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET=fakeslacksigningsecret SLACK_APP_ID=fakeslackappid SLACK_SERVICE_BASE_URL=akeslackservicebaseurl FYLEHQ_SLACK_URL=fakefylehqurl FYLE_SLACK_APP_SEGMENT_KEY=fakesegmentkey ALLOWED_HOSTS=fakeallowedhosts DB_NAME=database DB_USER=slack_user DB_PASSWORD=slack12345 DB_HOST=database DB_PORT=5432
For a fresh setup run to build images for services
docker-compose build
Now run to start services
docker-compose up
No need to build again to run the services, server will automatically restart if there are changes in codebase.
If any changes are made in
you'll need to rebuild imagesdocker-compose build docker-compose up
If you want to build and start service in one shot
docker-compose up --build
- Ensure that you have services up and running. Then run the following command to connect to the PostgreSQL DB.
PGPASSWORD=slack12345 psql -h localhost -U slack_user slack_db