jatovar / Online-Shop-eCommerce-App-Angular-6-Firebase

Online eCommerce Store app in Angular 9.0 & Firebase

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Download Online Store eCommerce App in Angular 9 + Firebase with complete source code

This repository is updated to Angular v9.0.0 now.
Click here for Video Tutorial !
In this video, I will show you one complete Online Store eCommerce App using all latest versions like Angular 6, Angularfire2 and Google Firebase/Firestore database, You will be able to download entire source code, deploy it on your local machine or cloud and I will leave it up to you if you want to enhance this and make more changes.
THis tutorial is not for beginners and is not for teaching purpose, but you don't need to be an expert either to understand these technologies.
I recommend to please take this video as a design pattern discussion where I am showing how we can use different technologies to solve real work problems and deliver a great quality app.

Objective: This document serves as an Installation Guide for Elish eStore Cloud free commmunity version Desktop/Mobile App.

Tools: Angular 6, Google Firebase/Firestore

What's included :

In this repository, Only Online Shop portal is included.

Elish CRM Cloud v1.1.8

Elish CRM Cloud provide a completely free desktop and mobile app for managing Customer, Vendors, CRM and other management modules.

future update/version/releases after v1.1.8 baseline release, will include new features and bug fixes for free under community license. For enhancement/feature requests, please open a new issue at this Github Repository.

App Choices:

#A. Elish HCM Cloud also provide a free web and mobile Enterprise app, hosted on Google Cloud with Google Firebase/Firestore database at:

Google Playstore - https://alivetracking.com

#B. For Community/Developer edition, developers can download a copy of "out of the box installable software package" or complete source code for free.

Below documentation serves as installation instruciton for point #B mentioned above.

  1. Installation Instruction for "out of the box Installable Desktop/Mobile App"
  2. Community/Developers Open Source Code guide

Installation Instruction for "out of the box Installable Desktop/Mobile App"


If you wish to migrate/upgrade your old desktop or client/server software to enterprise desktop/mobile app, please write to info@elishconsulting.com for Enterprise version upgrade.

Step #1: Install NodeJS, Angular CLI
Please follow Video Tutorials along installation instruction and proceed to next step when database installation is complete and verified.

Step #2: Signup with Google Firebase
Please follow Video Tutorials along installation instruction and proceed to next step when database installation is complete and verified.

  1. Setup Firebase Sign-in methods (enable Google, Facebook and email signin)
  2. Make sure, Firebase Sign-in method include your domain for autherntication.
  3. Open Firebase > Database > rules
    copy paste following code in rules tab, save and publish.

    service cloud.firestore {
    match /databases/{database}/documents {
    // rules for estore collections
    match /estore/{document} {
    allow read: if request.auth.uid == get(/databases/$(database)/documents/estore/$(request.auth.uid)).data.authid;
    allow write: if false;
    match /estore/{document}/product/{prods} {
    allow read: if true;
    allow write: if request.auth.uid == get(/databases/$(database)/documents/estore/$(request.auth.uid)).data.authid;
    match /estore/{document}/cart/{shoppingcart} {
    allow read: if isSignedIn() && isDocOwner();
    allow write: if isSignedIn();
    match /estore/{document}/interests/{shoppingcart} {
    allow read: if false;
    allow write: if isSignedIn();
    } }


Online eCommerce Store app in Angular 9.0 & Firebase

License:MIT License


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