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Sample Examples for Jq article - OSFY December '17 Edition

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Sample Examples for Jq article - OSFY December '17 Edition


Fetch raw json using curl
curl -sS https://www.metaweather.com/api/location/search/?query=new 


[{"title":"New York","location_type":"City","woeid":2459115,"latt_long":"40.71455,-74.007118"},{"title":"New Delhi","location_type":"City","woeid":28743736,"latt_long":"28.643999,77.091003"},{"title":"New Orleans","location_type":"City","woeid":2458833,"latt_long":"29.953690,-90.077713"},{"title":"Newcastle","location_type":"City","woeid":30079,"latt_long":"54.977940,-1.611620"},{"title":"Newark","location_type":"City","woeid":2459269,"latt_long":"40.731972,-74.174179"}]
Prettify using Jq
curl -sS https://www.metaweather.com/api/location/search/?query=new 


    "title": "New York",
    "location_type": "City",
    "woeid": 2459115,
    "latt_long": "40.71455,-74.007118"
    "title": "New Delhi",
    "location_type": "City",
    "woeid": 28743736,
    "latt_long": "28.643999,77.091003"
    "title": "New Orleans",
    "location_type": "City",
    "woeid": 2458833,
    "latt_long": "29.953690,-90.077713"
    "title": "Newcastle",
    "location_type": "City",
    "woeid": 30079,
    "latt_long": "54.977940,-1.611620"
    "title": "Newark",
    "location_type": "City",
    "woeid": 2459269,
    "latt_long": "40.731972,-74.174179"

Display first element of array
curl -sS https://www.metaweather.com/api/location/search/?query=new | jq '.[0]'


  "title": "New York",
  "location_type": "City",
  "woeid": 2459115,
  "latt_long": "40.71455,-74.007118"
Display City Names for all
curl -sS https://www.metaweather.com/api/location/search/?query=new | jq '.[] | .title'


"New York"
"New Delhi"
"New Orleans"
Display City Names along with ID for all
curl -sS https://www.metaweather.com/api/location/search/\?query\=new | jq '.[] | .title,.woeid'


"New York"
"New Delhi"
"New Orleans"
String Interpolation
curl -sS https://www.metaweather.com/api/location/search/\?query\=new | jq '.[] |  "For \(.title) code is \(.woeid)"'


"For New York code is 2459115"
"For New Delhi code is 28743736"
"For New Orleans code is 2458833"
"For Newcastle code is 30079"
"For Newark code is 2459269"

Filter by City Name
curl -sS https://www.metaweather.com/api/location/search/\?query\=new | jq ' .[] | select(.title == "New Delhi") '


  "title": "New Delhi",
  "location_type": "City",
  "woeid": 28743736,
  "latt_long": "28.643999,77.091003"
Get New Delhi info
curl -sS https://www.metaweather.com/api/location/28743736/ > weather.json

jq weather.json

JSON data looks like this

{ "consolidated_weather": [{ "id": 5022816248266752, "weather_state_name": "Light Cloud", "weather_state_abbr": "lc", "wind_direction_compass": "E", "created": "2017-11-03T05:37:45.470080Z", "applicable_date": "2017-11-03", "min_temp": 17.765000000000001, "max_temp": 29.662499999999998, "the_temp": 30.475000000000001, "wind_speed": 2.3413782360216335, "wind_direction": 91.235004932380903, "air_pressure": 1009.165, "humidity": 62, "visibility": 13.68570050902728, "predictability": 70 }, { "id": 6148716155109376, "weather_state_name": "Clear", "weather_state_abbr": "c", "wind_direction_compass": "ENE", "created": "2017-11-03T05:37:49.069990Z", "applicable_date": "2017-11-04", "min_temp": 16.75, "max_temp": 29.015000000000001, "the_temp": 28.399999999999999, "wind_speed": 2.563454464002227, "wind_direction": 65.523998048505675, "air_pressure": 1011.425, "humidity": 61, "visibility": 14.176583750894775, "predictability": 68 }, { "id": 5394481511661568, "weather_state_name": "Clear", "weather_state_abbr": "c", "wind_direction_compass": "NE", "created": "2017-11-03T05:37:51.308960Z", "applicable_date": "2017-11-05", "min_temp": 16.147500000000001, "max_temp": 29.145, "the_temp": 28.52, "wind_speed": 1.9995695890022269, "wind_direction": 55.629887662130905, "air_pressure": 1011.23, "humidity": 58, "visibility": 14.884325538853098, "predictability": 68 }, { "id": 5008438039937024, "weather_state_name": "Clear", "weather_state_abbr": "c", "wind_direction_compass": "NNW", "created": "2017-11-03T05:37:54.057620Z", "applicable_date": "2017-11-06", "min_temp": 15.147499999999999, "max_temp": 28.475000000000001, "the_temp": 27.710000000000001, "wind_speed": 2.0043574431380735, "wind_direction": 329.49548535486031, "air_pressure": 1009.39, "humidity": 45, "visibility": 15.533658434741112, "predictability": 68 }, { "id": 5268265844604928, "weather_state_name": "Clear", "weather_state_abbr": "c", "wind_direction_compass": "NE", "created": "2017-11-03T05:37:57.557410Z", "applicable_date": "2017-11-07", "min_temp": 15.094999999999999, "max_temp": 28.572500000000002, "the_temp": 27.359999999999999, "wind_speed": 1.6713582797602005, "wind_direction": 44.360763590360797, "air_pressure": 1008.04, "humidity": 43, "visibility": 15.74368189771733, "predictability": 68 }, { "id": 5077392934567936, "weather_state_name": "Clear", "weather_state_abbr": "c", "wind_direction_compass": "NNW", "created": "2017-11-03T05:37:59.980450Z", "applicable_date": "2017-11-08", "min_temp": 14.282500000000001, "max_temp": 28.142499999999998, "the_temp": 23.460000000000001, "wind_speed": 1.4269034173758584, "wind_direction": 335.43793586699337, "air_pressure": 1002.67, "humidity": 47, "visibility": null, "predictability": 68 }], "time": "2017-11-03T13:51:23.153110+05:30", "sun_rise": "2017-11-03T06:35:02.004695+05:30", "sun_set": "2017-11-03T17:35:00.453452+05:30", "timezone_name": "LMT", "parent": { "title": "India", "location_type": "Country", "woeid": 23424848, "latt_long": "21.786600,82.794762" }, "sources": [{ "title": "BBC", "slug": "bbc", "url": "http://www.bbc.co.uk/weather/", "crawl_rate": 180 }, { "title": "Forecast.io", "slug": "forecast-io", "url": "http://forecast.io/", "crawl_rate": 480 }, { "title": "Met Office", "slug": "met-office", "url": "http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/", "crawl_rate": 180 }, { "title": "OpenWeatherMap", "slug": "openweathermap", "url": "http://openweathermap.org/", "crawl_rate": 360 }, { "title": "World Weather Online", "slug": "world-weather-online", "url": "http://www.worldweatheronline.com/", "crawl_rate": 360 }, { "title": "Yahoo", "slug": "yahoo", "url": "http://weather.yahoo.com/", "crawl_rate": 180 }], "title": "New Delhi", "location_type": "City", "woeid": 28743736, "latt_long": "28.643999,77.091003", "timezone": "Asia/Kolkata" }
Range on Arrays
jq 'range(0;([.sources[]] | length)) as $i | " \(.sources[$i] .title) predicts \(.consolidated_weather[$i] .weather_state_name)"' weather.json


" BBC predicts Light Cloud"
" Forecast.io predicts Clear"
" Met Office predicts Clear"
" OpenWeatherMap predicts Clear"
" World Weather Online predicts Clear"
" Yahoo predicts Clear"
Combining everything

filter program

# Formate Date
# This function takes value via Pipe (|) operator
 def format_date(x): 
    x |strptime("%Y-%m-%d") | mktime | strftime("%a - %d, %B");

def print_location:
    . | "
     Location: \(.title) 
     Coordinates : \(.latt_long)   ";

def print_data:
    . | "
    | \(format_date(.applicable_date))\t\t           |
    | Humidity : .\(.humidity)\t\t                   |
    | Weather State: \(.weather_state_name)\t\t\t   |

def process_weather_data:
    . | sort_by(.applicable_date)[] | print_data;

. as $root | print_location, (.consolidated_weather | process_weather_data)

Run it with

jq -f filter.txt weather.json -r


Location: New Delhi 
     Coordinates : 28.643999,77.091003   

    | Fri - 03, November		                       |
    | Humidity : .66		                           |
    | Weather State: Light Cloud			             |

    | Sat - 04, November		                       |
    | Humidity : .62		                           |
    | Weather State: Clear			                   |

    | Sun - 05, November		                       |
    | Humidity : .58		                           |
    | Weather State: Clear			                   |

    | Mon - 06, November		                       |
    | Humidity : .45		                           |
    | Weather State: Clear			                   |

    | Tue - 07, November		                       |
    | Humidity : .44		                           |
    | Weather State: Clear			                   |

    | Wed - 08, November		                       |
    | Humidity : .47		                           |
    | Weather State: Clear			                   |


Sample Examples for Jq article - OSFY December '17 Edition

License:MIT License