jaspervdj / cdp-hs

Haskell library for the Chrome Devtools Protocol

Home Page:https://github.com/users/arsalan0c/projects/1

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



A Haskell library for the Chrome Devtools Protocol (CDP), generated from the protocol's definition files.

Quick start

cdp contains the generated library.

To get started:

  1. Clone the repo with submodules git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/arsalan0c/cdp-hs.git
  2. Switch directories to the CDP library: cd cdp
  3. Drop into nix environment: nix-shell --pure
  4. Generate cabal file: hpack
  5. Run Chromium with debugging port enabled: chromium --headless --remote-debugging-port=9222 http://wikipedia.com
  6. Run the example program to print the browser's version info : cabal run cdp-exe

Example usage

Print a page to PDF, with Base64 encoded data being read in chunks:

module Main where

import Data.Default
import Data.Maybe
import System.Process

import qualified CDP as CDP

main :: IO ()
main = do
    putStrLn "Starting CDP example"
    -- run the 'printPDF' program with default configuration
    CDP.runClient def printPDF

printPDF :: CDP.Handle CDP.Event -> IO ()
printPDF handle = do
    -- send the Page.printToPDF command
    r <- CDP.pagePrintToPdf handle $ 
            CDP.PPagePrintToPdf Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing $
    -- obtain stream handle from which to read pdf data
    let streamHandle = fromJust . CDP.pagePrintToPdfStream $ r

    -- read pdf data 24000 bytes at a time
    let params = CDP.PIoRead streamHandle Nothing $ Just 24000
    reads <- whileTrue (not . CDP.ioReadEof) $ CDP.ioRead handle params
    let dat = concatMap CDP.ioReadData $ reads

    -- decode pdf to a file
    let path   = "mypdfs.pdf"
    readProcess "base64" ["--decode", "-o", path] dat
    callCommand $ unwords ["open", path]

whileTrue :: Monad m => (a -> Bool) -> m a -> m [a]
whileTrue f act = do
    a <- act
    if f a
        then pure . (a :) =<< whileTrue f act
        else pure [a]

Generating the CDP library

  1. Build the generator library: nix-build --attr exe
  2. Run the generator: result/bin/gen-exe

cdp, the library folder, will contain the newly generated code.

Current state

Project board

Commands and events for all non-deprecated domains are supported.

Upcoming features:

  • sessions


This began as a Summer of Haskell / GSoC project. Albert Krewinkel (@tarleb), Jasper Van der Jeugt (@jaspervdj) and Romain Lesur (@RLesur) provided valuable feedback and support which along with raising the library's quality, has made this all the more enjoyable to work on.



Haskell library for the Chrome Devtools Protocol



Language:Haskell 99.6%Language:Nix 0.4%