jasp-stats / educator-silver

Issues and features in this repository can only be created by members of educator (silver) insitutions. See https://jasp-stats.org/community-benefits-and-tiers/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JASP is a cross-platform software program which allows you to conduct statistical analyses in seconds, and without having to learn programming or risking a programming mistake. It aims to be a complete statistical package for both Bayesian and Frequentist statistical methods, that is easy to use and familiar to users of SPSS.

Reporting Issues

This repository is solely meant for reporting and tracking any issues that JASP supporters might wish to report. An issue can be a bug, feature request or something else.
To report click issues here or close to the top of the page.


Development of JASP is done in jasp-desktop

JASP Community

Only members of supporter institutions are allowed to create and respond to issues on this issue tracker. Are you part of an institution or department that supports JASP? Then you can request an invite via people who already have access or contact us.

See our website for more details


Issues and features in this repository can only be created by members of educator (silver) insitutions. See https://jasp-stats.org/community-benefits-and-tiers/