jasonsahl / wgfast

Whole genome focused array SNP typer

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The whole genome focused array SNP typing (WG-FAST) pipeline written by: Jason Sahl Email: jasonsahl at gmail dot com

for a more comprehensive overview, look at the Manual


The goal of WG-FAST is to phylogenetically genotype an unknown sample in the context of a well studied pathogen. This sample can either be a metagenomics dataset, a metatranscriptomics dataset, or a single isolate sequencing dataset


  1. The easiest way to install is through conda:
    conda create -n wgfast python=3.6
    source activate wgfast
    #previous required versions: gatk4=, picard=2.27.4
    conda install -c bioconda gatk4 picard raxml samtools bbmap dendropy minimap2 biopython
    #You might need to install Bioconda with: pip install Biopython

  2. Download the wgfast github repository, install:
    git clone https://github.com/jasonsahl/wgfast.git
    python setup.py build
    python setup.py install

  3. Open the script (wgfast.py) with a text editor and change the path to your WG-FAST installation directory.
    For example:

  4. To verify your installation, enter the wgfast directory and type the command below. If everything is working correctly, all tests should pass:
    python tests/test_all_functions.py


Whole genome focused array SNP typer


Language:Python 100.0%