jasonpdk / Pico-Pagination

Provides basic pagination for Pico.

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Pico Pagination Plugin

Provides basic pagination for Pico.


1.4 - Changed to use of >/< in default next_text and prev_text variables and added more variables Google search-like numbered pagination.
1.3 - Added ablity for pagination to happen in subfolders on a site.
1.2 - Added back the ability to set the path segment to indicate pages ("page indicator" ) now that changes have been made in Pico v0.8 that allow it to work properly.
1.1 - Added ability to reverse the order in which the previous/next links are rendered.
1.0 - Initial release.

How it works

It's pretty simple. The plugin creates a second array of pages identical to the default pages called paged_pages. This second array is filtered by date (so only blog-type posts will be returned) and limited by the number of pages you want per page. Listing your paged results, therefore, is just a matter of iterating through the paged_pages variable instead of the pages one.

Additional variables that can be used in themes are created to accompany the paged results. See below.


  1. Copy the pagination.php file to the plugins folder of your Pico site.
  2. Update your theme to use the paginated pages generated by the plugin.
  3. Set configuration variables if defaults are not suitable.
  4. That's it!

Configuration settings

You can configure a number of settings by adding values to your site's config.php file. The following are the options available and what they do.

Sets the how many items display on each page.
Default value: 5

Sets the text for the next link.
Default value: "next >"

Sets the text for the previous links.
Default value: "< previous"

Reverses the order the links are ouput. This is to aid in providing links in the format of older/newer as opposed to previous/next.
Default falue: false | Options: true, false

Sets whether the posts returned should be filtered to only those with dates or not.
Default value: true | Options: true, false

Sets the word used in the URL that will indicate paged results. (i.e. http://yousite.com/page/2)
Default value: "page"

Sets whether {{ pagination_links }} will output two <a> tags or an unordered list.
Default value: "links" | Options: "links", "list"

Sets whether there is a sub page for the pagination (i.e. not the root of the site). When this is set to true, you must create a subfolder in content with the same name as the "pagination_page_indicator" variable. See below for further information.
Default value: false | Options: true, false

For reference, these values are set in config.php using the following format:

$config['pagination_limit'] = 10;
$config['pagination_output_format'] = "list"

Setting up the theme

The plugin adds a couple new variables to the theme. They are:

  • {{ pagination_links }} - The generated next and previous links (output as either two links or an unordered list).
  • {{ next_page_link }} - The next link only. Returns empty string if there isn't one.
  • {{ prev_page_link }} - The previous link only. Returns empty string if there isn't one.
  • {{ page_number }} - The current page number
  • {{ total_pages }} - The total number of pages.
  • {{ page_of_page }} - The page number out of the total number of pages. (i.e. "Page 1 of 3")
  • {{ paged_pages }} - The new, paged array of pages for the theme.
  • {{ page_indicator }} - The $config['page_indicator'] variable, usually "page"

To get a basic implemenation of the pagination plugin going, use something like the following:

{% if is_front_page %} <!-- Front page lists all blog posts -->
	<div id="posts">
	{% for page in paged_pages %}
		<div class="post">
			<h3><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></h3>
			<p class="meta">{{ page.date_formatted }}</p>
			<p class="excerpt">{{ page.excerpt }}</p>
	{% endfor %}
	{{ pagination_links }}
{% else %} <!-- Single page shows individual blog post -->

	<div class="post">
		{% if meta.title %}<h2>{{ meta.title }}</h2>{% endif %}
		<p class="meta">{{ meta.date_formatted }}</p>
		{{ content }}

{% endif %}

To note: the key differences here are that the posts loop is iterating through paged_pages instead of pages. (This sample is taken from the Pico website and modified for the pagination plugin.)

Your Site Navigation

If you're familiar with Pico, this may be obvious, but for your main site menu, you can filter it so that content with dates (i.e. your blog posts) don't get output along with your other pages. This is pretty easy to do just with a little if statement. Here's an example:

<ul class="nav">
	{% for page in pages %}
	{% if not page.date %}
	<li><a href="{{ page.url }}">{{ page.title }}</a></li>
	{% endif %}
	{% endfor %}

Using Older/Newer links instead of Previous/Next

A lot of blogs (or other chonologically listed content) will want pagination links that use chonological verbiage as opposed to the standard previous/next text. In order to do this, you can set the following config options in Pico's config.php file.

$config['pagination_flip_links'] = true;
$config['pagination_next_text'] = '< Older Posts';
$config['pagination_prev_text'] = 'Newer Posts >';

Note the first option set. This changes the order in which the links display so that the older link is first and the newer link is second.

Using a sub page as the pagination (e.g. for a blog that is not on the main site index)

Sometimes it is preferable to have your blog listed at /blog rather than on your main page. For example to allow for a landing page to be the first page visitors see.

To do this, set the pagination_sub_page to true, and the pagination_page_indicator variable to "blog":

$config['pagination_sub_page'] = true;
$config['pagination_page_indicator'] = "blog";

Set up a folder called "blog" in Pico's content folder, and keep all your blog posts in this folder. You will need an index.md in here for the pagination.

Finally set up 2 new templates, one for the index.md that has the above pagination code, the other for the posts (again, using the relevant code from above).

Using a custom made pagination

If the {{ pagination_links }} twig variable does not fulfill your needs, you can create your own custom pagination. Here is an example that lists all the pages number and adds a CSS class to the current one:

<div class="pagination">
    {% if page_number > 1 %}<a href="{{ base_url }}/{{ page_indicator }}/{{ page_number - 1 }}" class="button previous">Previous Page</a>{% endif %}
    <div class="pages">
    {% for page_num in 1..total_pages %}
        <a href="{{ base_url }}/{{ page_indicator }}/{{ page_num }}"{% if page_num == page_number %} class="active"{% endif %}>{{ page_num }}</a>
    {% endfor %}
    {% if page_number < total_pages %} <a href="{{ base_url }}/{{ page_indicator }}/{{ page_number + 1 }}" class="button next">Next Page</a>{% endif %}

That's it. If you have questions, go ahead and ask. If you have issues, you can add them to the issue tracker.

Thank you to everyone who has helped contribute to this plug in!


Provides basic pagination for Pico.


Language:PHP 100.0%