jasonpcole / dev-scaffold

Front-end development project springboard. Pug, SASS, and ES6 are yours to use. Build tasks are handled with NodeJS and NPM. You have a dev process that'll spin up a local server for testing. The live build option uglytranspminifbundlicates your precious cargo for the launch.

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A simple Front-end development project springboard. Pug, SASS, and ES6 are yours to use with impunity.

Build tasks are handled by NPM and Webpack. We got Babel transpiling your ECMAScript, so const your arrow funcs ya module classhole. There's even a dev process that'll spin up a local server for testing whatever freaky new feature you're building for animedolphinbukkake.edu. The live build process uglytranspminifbundlicates everything into a looming obelisk of code, towering over all who dare gaze upon it's monolithic gorgeousness; like an electrical panther seventy stories tall that shoots laser beams from it's eyes, annihilating everything it gifts its gaze upon with a bowel churning feline raowl that quakes the ground for miles and miles.


Initially setting up all the codes and build processes is a drag, especially when you have an idea that needs coding NOW. Grunt/Gulp/etc are great at what they do, but for a less-formal project it seems easier to remove that layer of obfuscation and use the NPM Cli via the package.json file.

Logo goes here


Built with


  1. You can use ES6 in your Javascript, like boom pow blam, transpiled into JS and cocatenated with the push of a button.
  2. SASS - DRY out your stylesheets with definition variables, mixins, and functions.
  3. Pug templates
  4. Image minification
  5. Dev Server for local testing.


Download the .babelrc, .gitignore, package.json, and webpack.config.js files.

Your project architecture should resemble the plan below. You don't have to manually create the subfolders in the dist directory, they'll be auto-generated with the first time you build the project.

Run npm i to install the packages node needs to build this mammajamma. If there are no errors or issues, you are good to go.

├─ dist         # Compiled files output directory
│ ├─ css        # SASS output directory
│ ├─ images     # Post-processed images directory
│ ├─ js         # Webpack output directory
├─ src          # Dev source file directory
│ ├─ images     # Unprocessed images directory
│ ├─ scss       # SASS source file directory (.sass and/or .scss)
│ ├─ views      # Pug template partial source directory
│ ├─ index.pug  # Pug main template source file
│ ├─ app.js     # Main Javascript source file
├─ .babelrc     # Babel config file
├─ .gitignore   # Git ignore file
├─ package.json # NPM config, build definitions, SASS processing commands
├─ webpack.config.js # HTML/JS/Image processing scripts
└── ...

Build commands

npm run prod

Builds, compresses and outputs everything to the dist folder

npm run dev

Builds everything, starts the livereload watch task, and spins up the development server at port 3000

MIT © Jason Paul Cole


Front-end development project springboard. Pug, SASS, and ES6 are yours to use. Build tasks are handled with NodeJS and NPM. You have a dev process that'll spin up a local server for testing. The live build option uglytranspminifbundlicates your precious cargo for the launch.


Language:CSS 57.9%Language:JavaScript 33.5%Language:HTML 8.6%