jasonngpt / helpscout-api-java

Java wrapper for the Help Scout API

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Help Scout Java Wrapper

Forked Java Wrapper for the Help Scout API. More information on our developer site: http://developer.helpscout.net.

See the Changelog for details.


  • JRE 1.6

Example Usage: API

import net.helpscout.api.*;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;

public class TestingAPI {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws ApiException {
  	ApiClient client = ApiClient.getInstance();

	// Get mailboxes
  	List<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>();
	Page mailboxes = client.getMailboxes(fields);
	if (mailboxes != null) {
		// do something
		Collection allMailboxes = mailboxes.getItems();

		for (Object mailboxObj : allMailboxes) {
			Mailbox mailbox = (Mailbox) mailboxObj;
			System.out.println("Name: " + mailbox.getName());
			System.out.println("ID: " + mailbox.getId());

	// Get folders
	Mailbox mailbox = client.getMailbox(85);
	if (mailbox != null) {
		String mailboxName = mailbox.getName();
		Page folders = client.getFolders(37803);

		if (folders != null) {
			Collection allFolders = folders.getItems();

			for (Object foldersObj : allFolders) {
				Folder folder = (Folder) foldersObj;
				System.out.println("Name: " + folder.getName());

	// Get customers
	Page allCustomers = client.getCustomers(0);
	Collection customers = allCustomers.getItems();

	for (Object customersObj : customers) {
		Customer customer = (Customer) customersObj;

		System.out.println("Customer Name: " + customer.getFirstName() + " " + customer.getLastName());
		if (customer.hasSocialProfiles()) {
			List profiles = customer.getSocialProfiles();
			// Do something

Field Selectors

Field selectors are given as a list of Strings. When field selectors are used, the appropriate object is created with the fields provided.

ApiClient Methods

Each method also has a duplicate that allows you to pass in a list of Strings to specify desired fields (see Field Selectors).


  • getMailboxes()
  • getMailbox(Integer mailboxID)


  • getFolders(Integer mailboxID)


  • getConversationsForFolder(Integer mailboxID, Integer folderID)
  • getConversationsForMailbox(Integer mailboxID)
  • getConversationsForCustomerByMailbox(Integer mailboxID, Integer customerID)
  • getConversation(Integer conversationID)
  • createConversation(Conversation conversation)
  • createConversationThread(Long conversationId, ConversationThread thread)
  • updateConversation(Conversation conversation)
  • deleteConversation(Long id)


  • getAttachmentData(Integer attachmentID)
  • createAttachment(Attachment attachment)
  • deleteAttachment(Long id)


  • getCustomers()
  • getCustomer(Integer customerID)
  • createCustomer(Customer customer)
  • updateCustomer(Customer customer)


  • getUsers()
  • getUsersForMailbox(Integer mailboxID)
  • getUser(Integer userID)

Example Usage: Webhooks

Webhook webhook = new Webhook('secret-key-here', httpRequest);
if (webhook.isValid()) {
   String event = webhook.getEventType();

   if (webhook.isConversationEvent()) {
	Conversation convo = webhook.getConversation();
	// do something
   } else if (webhook.isCustomerEvent()) {
	Customer customer = webhook.getCustomer();
	// do something


Java wrapper for the Help Scout API


Language:Java 100.0%