jasondellaluce / mbianchidev

My public profile

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Hi there!

My name is Matteo but my nicknames are many, depending on the many context you find me in (gaming? reddit? music?).

I'm an Engineer, living in Europe, currently working as DevRel. I speak at conferences (not necessarily being on stage) and sometimes I have fun as Cloud Native Consultant and Trainer. I blog about tech and life. I organize Kubernetes Community Days in the Netherlands, KubeTrain and contribute to Cloud Native in any way I can.

I like to define myself as a jack of most trades, master of some.

πŸ“« How to reach me: click here

Wanna book a meeting instead? Here's a secret link! 🀫

My core values

  • Transparency
  • Integrity
  • Reliability
  • Creativity

My mission

  • Do my best to make the world a better place by building something meaningful and impactful.
  • Help engineers to achieve their goals, sharing my knowledge and experience and giving back to the community that helped me to grow.
  • Advocate for Cloud Native Open-Source technologies. Open-Source has been the past, is the present and will be the future of IT and powers the world we live in today.
  • Simplify the life of my fellow developers and engineers, by building tools and services that make their life easier.

Big Hairy Audacious Goal (can I say the naming is terrible?)

I want to change the life of 1 million people in the next 5 years.

Quotes I try to live by

  • "If you torture the data long enough, it will confess to anything." - Ronald Coase

This basically thought me to not fully believe data unless I know context and how it has been collected.

I think this is self-explanatory but I'll add that before writing new code I always ask myself: "Is there a way to do this without writing (a lot of) code?". Answer is usually open-source, SaaS or adapt pre-existing code. Still, I try to keep my code as simple as possible following KISS, DRY and YAGNI principles.

  • "Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind." - Brene Brown

I try to be as clear as possible when communicating with people, with little or no space for ambiguity. I also try to be kind, but I'm not always perceived as such, truth hurts sometimes.

  • "Homines dum docent discunt." / Humans learn while they teach. - Seneca

I learn a lot by teaching, I'm a teacher at heart and I love to share my knowledge and experience with others.


Extra about me

Read here if you are curious about my hobbies and interests.

Tech stack

See my (partial) tech stack here, I will try to keep it updated and to find a better way to display it. Suggestions are welcome!


Long story (never) short

I was always passionate about computers and technology, but I started to code when I was 15, after switching highschool from a scientific and mostly theoretical one to what in Italy is called "technical" high school, where I learned the basics of programming and computer science πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’».

I was never a good student, I was always bored by school πŸ₯± and I never liked to study, but I was always curious and I loved to learn new things, especially if they were related to computers. My professors at that time used to tell me that I would never work in IT because I was not good enough, but I never gave up and I kept learning on my own πŸ€“.

Most people in my life were also not happy about my choice, they wanted me to go to university and get a degree to go for a "real job" 🀨 instead of "playing with computers", but I was not interested in that, I wanted to work and learn by doing, not by studying.

I started my professional journey in 2015 as a web developer, I started to write production grade PHP code even before I got my driving license. πŸš— As employee I started as fullstack, in a small company building embedded software in C and some intarnal tools in C#, then I joined a promising local startup, always as fullstack but back to PHP with a Laravel flavor.

Graduating from my high school I then moved to a bigger city (Milan), switched language to specialize in Java and built my back(end) as a Software Engineer, I climbed the ladder, worked on large scale products (8+ million users) and finally became a Senior Software Engineer. πŸ‘·

Since I am a fundamentally lazy person, I learnt to love automation, starting with bash scripts and moving on to DevOps tools and practices. I joined the Dark Side of DevOps and Site Reliability taking the best from my SWE background (I've never stopped to use the --force). 🌌

At some point, after leading DevOps initatives and bringing multiple teams from 0 to GitOps, I felt that I reached a ceiling in my career both in the company I worked at that time and in the italian IT landscape (not so rich, if you ask me). That is the reason why I decided to start my journey in 2021 as a freelance professional and digital nomad. ✈️🏝️ I wanted to scale my impact on the IT industry and to help more people and companies to achieve their goals. ⛰️

I coached and mentored my padawans (ehm I mean, my students) about DevOps principles and practices. I also helped companies to improve their DevEx and DevOps approach. πŸ“š

In the meantime I learnt a bit more about frontend, especially React. I always despised Javascript but after learning about Typescript I started to like it a bit more. Still not my jam but I can live with it. Nodejs is more fun than I expected, I'll give you that. πŸ™†β€β™‚οΈ

Back to the story, in all this time I've been in the IT industry, I've learned a lot from hands on experience and had the opportunity to interact with truly amazing people. 🀝

After digital nomading across Europe, in 2023 I took the next step and I've become the CTO of a startup for one year, where I enjoyed the challenge of building a new company culture, a service and a product from scratch and of course taking care of my team. 🀟

In the end we could not find the Product-Market Fit and had to step back, but quoting Yoda: "The greatest teacher, failure is."

I keep advocating for Cloud Native technologies, I am a Kubernetes lover and part of the CNCF community. β˜ΈοΈπŸ’™ I strongly believe in the power of Platform Engineering and I look forward to impact the IT industry with my work. πŸ‹οΈ

What will I do in 2024 and beyond? Who knows! 🀩

To be continued...


My public profile