jasonblanchard / protoc-gen-connect-mock-server

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Generate a functional mock server from a protobuf specification.


Make sure the protoc-gen-connect-mock-server binary is compiled and in your $PATH.

Add it as a plugin to your buf.gen.yaml file along with buf.build/protocolbuffers/go and buf.build/bufbuild/connect-go:

version: v1
  enabled: true
    default: <your Go module>/gen
  - plugin: buf.build/protocolbuffers/go
    out: gen
    opt: paths=source_relative
  - plugin: buf.build/bufbuild/connect-go
    out: gen
    opt: paths=source_relative
  - plugin: connect-mock-server
    out: gen
    opt: paths=source_relative

Create a protobuf service at eliza/v1/eliza.proto like this:

syntax = "proto3";

package eliza.v1;

message SayRequest {
  string sentence = 1;

message SayResponse {
  string sentence = 1;

service ElizaService {
  rpc Say(SayRequest) returns (SayResponse) {}

Generate the build:

buf generate

Install dependencies

go mod tidy

Run the mock server

go run gen/eliza/v1/elizaconnectmockserver/main.pb.go

Test the service:

buf curl --schema eliza/v1/eliza.proto --data '{"sentence": "hello"}' http://localhost:8080/eliza.v1.ElizaService/Say

You should get a response like this:

  "sentence": "string"

Run it in dynamic mode with the -d flag

go run gen/eliza/v1/elizaconnectmockserver/main.pb.go -d

Running the same buf curl command above should return a different result each time like this:

  "sentence": "QDcyVRjMUAhhPMpSPwSXxxgMx"

Status: Very Unstable

Pretty much everything in flight. The code is a mess. APIs can change anytime.



Language:Go 99.0%Language:Makefile 1.0%