jason-nordheim / fis-capstone-backend

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Getting Started

After cloning the repository: Navigate to the root of the project and open a terminal to run the setup commands:

  1. Install: npm install
  2. Run: npm start

Server Endpoints

Listed below is a high-level summary of the various endpoints available via this API.


HTTP Method Path Auth Body Response Example Description
get /users no - [{"id": 1,"created_at": "2020-07-20T21:25:17.467Z","updated_at": "2020-07-20T21:25:17.467Z","username": "sadams","password_digest": "$2b$12$06xYs4yFxGJi2EXsMCRsCOmB2B52GHp.KHsO7CGUpMmdOKm30Nw3W","first": "Sam","last": "Adams","email": "sam.adams@gmail.com","bio": "avid beer drinker" },{ "id": 2,"created_at": "2020-07-20T21:58:56.202Z","updated_at": "2020-07-20T21:58:56.202Z","username": "jdoe","password_digest": "$2b$12$oeZUgmWEKH6hKx86Vc/K0OvnPEsgU/525ZMc/Ls.ypd6hs649FHlm","first": "Jane","last": "Doe","email": "jane.doe@gmail.com","bio": "I like long walks through gardens"}] returns a list of registered users
post /register no {username, password, first, last, email, bio} {"user": [{"id": 4,"created_at": "2020-07-20T22:30:30.840Z","updated_at": "2020-07-20T22:30:30.840Z","username": "jdoe","password_digest": "$2b$12$2CFsuph.39kI3UUYqij/8ufaJ5TwEvqZj7jmT6e3EvgfNjvmSnfK6","first": "Jane","last": "Doe","email": "jane.doe@gmail.com","bio": null}]} registers a new user; returns success/failure
post /login no {username, password } returns a hashed token (assuming correct credentials) that can be used to access resources
post /followers yes { friendId } creates a new request follower request
get /followers yes - returns the followers of the authenticated user
patch /followers yes `{ requestId, accept, pending } - marks a follower request as accepted/rejected and changes status of pending to false
get /myinfo yes - returns a JSON representation of the current user based on their token
get /events yes - returns a JSON representation of the events create by the user identified in the authorization portion of the request
post /events yes { creator, start, end, title, description } creates a new event for the user identified in the authorization portion of the request


HTTP Method GET PATH /users Authorization N/A
Description Requests list registered users, returns array of objects with user data Body N/A
Request Example

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:4000/users' 

Response Example

        "id": 1,
        "created_at": "2020-07-20T22:59:47.328Z",
        "updated_at": "2020-07-20T22:59:47.328Z",
        "username": "ademple",
        "password_digest": "$2b$12$3wN/Uwlq9cryI/JGsbmUHORWU6GvN7j5kuwnBmmvWckNa/WVn8k2u",
        "first": "Alex",
        "last": "Demple",
        "email": "alex.demple@gmail.com",
        "bio": null


HTTP Method POST PATH /register Authorization N/A Description Requests the registration of a new user, returns the new user's information Body

  • first - [string, required] - User's first name
  • last - [string, required] - User's family name
  • username - [string, required] - Public screen name for user (must be unique)
  • password - [string, required] - Password for authentication to protected resources
  • email - [string, required] - Contact email address for user (must be unique)
  • bio - [string, optional] - Brief auto-biography of the user

Request Example

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:4000/register' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"first": "Alex", "last": "Demple", "email": "alex.demple@gmail.com", "username": "ademple", "password": "ddddddd" }'

Response Example

    "user": [
            "id": 2,
            "created_at": "2020-07-20T23:25:28.040Z",
            "updated_at": "2020-07-20T23:25:28.040Z",
            "username": "sam.adams",
            "password_digest": "$2b$12$YbsNUnqrBzIvoth9QmHH7.IwiZmA1vkqig3JS3X3x.ugPK8NfT4RS",
            "first": "Sam",
            "last": "Adams",
            "email": "sam.adams@gmail.com",
            "bio": null


HTTP Method POST PATH /login Authorization N/A Description Verifies provided credentials and (assuming valid credentials) returns a tokenn Body

  • username - [string, required] - Public screen name for user (must be unique)
  • password - [string, required] - Password for authentication to protected resources

Request Example

curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:4000/login' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw '{"username": "ademple", "password": "ddddddd" }'

Response Example

    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MiwiY3JlYXRlZF9hdCI6IjIwMjAtMDctMjBUMjM6MjU6MjguMDQwWiIsInVwZGF0ZWRfYXQiOiIyMDIwLTA3LTIwVDIzOjI1OjI4LjA0MFoiLCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6InNhbS5hZGFtcyIsInBhc3N3b3JkX2RpZ2VzdCI6IiQyYiQxMiRZYnNOVW5xckJ6SXZvdGg5UW1ISDcuSXdpWm1BMXZrcWlnM0pTM1gzeC51Z1BLOE5mVDRSUyIsImZpcnN0IjoiU2FtIiwibGFzdCI6IkFkYW1zIiwiZW1haWwiOiJzYW0uYWRhbXNAZ21haWwuY29tIiwiYmlvIjpudWxsLCJpYXQiOjE1OTUyODc2MDd9.SWaoYtniP0g66eEBh99d9S7KjmfD9jI4NU8ZQaHCuUE"


HTTP Method GET PATH /myinfo Authorization yes (token) Description returns end-user information based on provided token
Body N/A Request Example

curl --location --request GET 'http://localhost:4000/myInfo' --header 'Authorization: Bearer <<INSERT TOKEN>>4' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' 

Response Example

    "id": 6,
    "created_at": "2020-07-20T22:46:44.047Z",
    "updated_at": "2020-07-20T22:46:44.047Z",
    "username": "exampleUsername",
    "password_digest": "$2b$12$y5GsYuXNO.dZAWlRD.H9je/jKMGKLnoZX5/sHPK3wAooKI0Ngr2j2",
    "first": "Ex",
    "last": "Ample",
    "email": "ex.ample@gmail.com",
    "bio": "This is an example bio",
    "iat": 1595285210



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