jaredLunde / zcli-cli

A command-line tool for easily creating zCLI applications and commands with Deno.

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A command-line tool for easily managing zCLI applications and commands with Deno.


curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jaredLunde/zcli-cli/main/install.sh | sh

Getting Started

Get started by running zcli init to create a new zCLI application. For more information, see zcli init.

Then run zcli add <command> to add a new command to your zCLI application. The command will be created in the commands directory of your zCLI application. It will be automatically imported and added to the commands array in your commands/mod.ts file. Sub-commands are supported.

Available Commands

Command Description
zcli A command-line tool for easily creating zCLI applications and commands with Deno.
zcli add Add a new command to your zCLI application.
zcli completion Generate an autocompletion script for the specified shell
zcli completion bash Generate an autocompletion script for the bash shell
zcli completion fish Generate an autocompletion script for the fish shell
zcli completion zsh Generate an autocompletion script for the zsh shell
zcli config Manage your zCLI configuration.
zcli config delete Delete a configuration value.
zcli config get Get a configuration value.
zcli config set Set a configuration value.
zcli help Show help for a zcli command
zcli help commands List zcli commands
zcli init Create a new CLI application.
zcli version Show version information

$ zcli

A command-line tool for easily creating zCLI applications and commands with Deno.

Get started by running zcli init to create a new zCLI application. For more information, run zcli help init.

Then run zcli add <command> to add a new command to your zCLI application.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli add

Add a new command to your zCLI application.

This command will create a new file in the commands directory of your zCLI application.

To add a sub-command to an existing command, separate the command arguments with a space.

For example, zcli add foo bar will create a new command called bar in the foo directory. If the foo command does not exist, it will be created as well.


The name of the command to add. To add a sub-command to an existing command, separate the command names with a space.

Type Variadic? Description
string Yes


Name Type Required? Default Description
--short, -s string No Add a short description for the command.
--cwd string No "Deno.cwd()" The current working directory.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli completion

Generate an autocompletion script for zcli in the specified shell. See each sub-command's help for details on how to use the generated script.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli completion bash

Generate the autocompletion script for the bash shell.

This script depends on the bash-completion package. If it is not installed already, you can install it via your OS's package manager.

To load completions in your current shell session:

$ source <(zcli completion bash)

To load completions for every new session, execute once:


$ zcli completion bash > /etc/bash_completion.d/zcli


$ zcli completion bash > /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/zcli

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli completion fish

Generate the autocompletion script for the fish shell.

To load completions in your current shell session:

$ zcli completion fish | source

To load completions for every new session, execute once:

$ zcli completion fish > ~/.config/fish/completions/zcli.fish

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


Name Type Required? Default Description
--no-descriptions boolean No Disable completion descriptions

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli completion zsh

Generate the autocompletion script for the zsh shell.

If shell completion is not already enabled in your environment you will need to enable it. You can execute the following once:

$ echo "autoload -U compinit; compinit" >> ~/.zshrc

To load completions for every new session, execute once:


$ zcli completion zsh > "${fpath[1]}/_zcli"


$ zcli completion zsh > /usr/local/share/zsh/site-functions/_zcli

Oh My Zsh:

$ zcli completion zsh > ~/.oh-my-zsh/completions/_zcli

You will need to start a new shell for this setup to take effect.


Name Type Required? Default Description
--no-descriptions boolean No Disable completion descriptions

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli config

This command manages your zCLI configuration. You can use it to set, get, and delete configuration values. Running this command without any subcommands will print your current configuration.

Your configuration is stored in a TOML file at ~/.zcli/config.toml.

The following configuration values are available:

  • license: The default license to use when creating a new application.
  • org: The default organization to use when creating a new application.

For example, to set the default license to MIT, run:

zcli config set license "mit"

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli config delete

Delete a configuration value.


The key to delete.

Type Variadic? Description
"org" | "license" No The configuration key.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli config get

Get a configuration value.


The key to get.

Type Variadic? Description
"org" | "license" No The configuration key.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli config set

Set a configuration value.


The key/value pair to set.

Type Variadic? Description
"org" | "license" No The configuration key.
string No The new configuration value.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli help

Show help for a zcli command


Type Variadic? Description
"add" | "init" | "config" | "version" | "completion" | "help" No The command to show help for.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli help commands

List zcli commands


$ zcli help commands


Name Type Required? Default Description
--all, -a boolean No Show all commands, including hidden ones

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli init

Create a new CLI application. This command will create a new directory in the current working directory with the name of your CLI application. It will also create the following files:

  • mod.ts - The entry point for your zCLI application.
  • test/mod.test.ts - A file for writing tests in your zCLI application.
  • commands - A directory for your zCLI commands.
  • commands/mod.ts - An auto-generated file for importing your zCLI commands.
  • deps.ts - A file for importing dependencies.
  • errors.ts - A file for defining custom errors.
  • zcli.ts - A file for importing zCLI.
  • deno.jsonc - A configuration file for Deno.

To add a command to your CLI application, run zcli add <command>.

To run your CLI application, run:

deno task run

To test your CLI application, run:

deno task test

To compile your CLI application, run:

deno task compile

To generate documentation for your CLI application, run:

deno task docs


The name of the CLI application. This will be used as the name of the directory to create the CLI application in. If not provided, the current working directory will be used.

Type Variadic? Description
string No The name of the zCLI application.


Name Type Required? Default Description
--cwd string No "Deno.cwd()" The directory to create the zCLI application in.
--short, -s string No "An awesome new zCLI application." The short description of the zCLI application.
--license, -l "agpl3" | "apache" | "bsd2" | "bsd3" | "cc0" | "cc_by" | "cc_by_nc" | "cc_by_nc_sa" | "cc_by_nd" | "cc_by_sa" | "epl" | "gpl2" | "gpl3" | "isc" | "lgpl" | "mit" | "mpl" | "unilicense" | "wtfpl" | "x11" | "zlib" No The license of the zCLI application.
--org, -o string No The organization of the zCLI application. This will be used in the license.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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$ zcli version

Shows version information command, including version number and build date.

Global Flags

These flags are available on all commands.

Name Type Required? Default Description
--help, -h boolean No Show help for a command

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A command-line tool for easily creating zCLI applications and commands with Deno.


Language:TypeScript 85.1%Language:Shell 14.9%