japinol7 / snakes

Game: Similar to classic Snake game but with player versus player version and other surprises.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Similar to classic Snake game but with player versus player version and other surprises.
Objective: Each player will try to win the game by getting the best score.

program: snakes
version: 1.0.2
language: English
author: Joan A. Pinol
author_nickname: japinol
author_gitHub: japinol7
author_twitter: @japinol
main module: snakes_game.py
requirements: pygame
Python requires: 3.9 or greater.
Python versions tested: 
        3.9.12 64bits under Windows 10
        3.11.5 64bits under Windows 11


Rules and user guide

> A snake can move to the following directions: left, right, up, down.
  Although it cannot reverse the current direction directly, it can do it if the player
  press a vertical key and an horizontal key simultaneously.
> A snake has a head of one piece and starts with a body length of N pieces (by default 5, but it can be changed by the user). 
> Each time a snake eats an apple, its body grows by one piece.
> If the head of a snake collides with the body of another snake, the snake that collides gets damage.
> If the head of a snake collides with the head of another snake, both snakes get damage.
> A snake have health and lives. Each time that its health is depleted, it loses a life.
  When a snake exhaust all their lives dies and cannot move anymore.
  But the game continues until the other player dies, its snake body length reaches n pieces (700 by default) or he exits the game.
> Levels: 
    > Levels are completed by eating all the apples of the board.
    > When a level is finished, all remaining mines, cartridges and recovery potions are removed from the board.
    > Surviving bats remain on the board.
> Apples: 
    > There are three types of apples:
        > Red apples: They give you 50 points. They are high quality apples.
	    > Green apples: They give you 38 points. They are normal quality apples.
        > Yellow apples: They give you 25 points. They are less than normal quality apples, but still tasty.
> Mines: 
    > There are two types of mines:
        > Aqua mines: They deal medium damage.
        	> If and only if you destroy them with a weapon, you get 5 points.
        > Lilac mines: They deal great damage
        	> If and only if you destroy them with a weapon, you get 15 points.
> Bats: 
    > They bite your head/neck (never the body) whenever you touch them with your head.
      But they receive damage too, and eventually they die.
      Unlike mines, they do not disappear when players reach a new level.
    > There are three types of bats:
        > Blue bats: They deal normal damage. They give you 220 points.
        > Lilac bats: They deal medium damage. They give you 400 points.
        > Red bats: They deal great damage. They give you 650 points.
> Potions: 
    > Recovery potion: health.
    > Recovery potion: power.
> Cartridges: 
    > They contain bullets.
> Weapons and bullets:
    > There are four kind of weapons that snakes can use:
        > A light weapon: Laser 1.
        > A medium weapon: Laser 2.
        > A strong weapon: Photonic.
        > A heavy weapon: Neutronic.
      A bullet can hit a/an:
        > Snake's head: Deal damage to the snake.
        > Snake's body: Do not deal damage to the snake, but the bullet is destroyed. 
        > Bat: The bat loses health and can die.
        > Apple: The apple is destroyed, but you do not get points.
        > Mine: The mine loses health and can be destroyed.
        > Potion, cartridge...: The item is destroyed, but you get nothing.
> The winner of the game is the player who has the best score when the game ends.
> The program maintain the scores of the players.
> Currently, only two players are allowed and they have to control their snake on the same client game:
	> Player1 controls snake1 using the keyboard keys: left, right, up, down.
	> Player2 controls snake2 using the keyboard keys: a, d, w, s.
> Information in the score line:
	> First line:
		> Green player score bar:
			> ====:  Health bar.
			> L: 	  Remaining lives.
			> apples: Apples eaten.
			> S: 	  Score.
		> #: Current level.
		> Yellow player score bar:
			> ====:  Health bar.
			> L: 	  Remaining lives.
			> apples: Apples eaten.
			> S: 	  Score.
	> Second line:
		> Green player score bar:
			> ====:  Power bar.
			> Remaining bullets for each of the four weapons.
		> Yellow player score bar:
			> ====:  Power bar.
			> Remaining bullets for each of the four weapons.

Keyboard keys

		 F1:    Show a help screen while playing the game
		  left,     a:    move snake to the left
		  right,    d:    move snake to the right
		  up,       w:    move snake up
		  down,     s:    move snake down
		  u         4:    fire a light shot
		  i         5:    fire a medium shot
		  j         1:    fire a strong shot
		  k         2:    fire a heavy shot
		   p:    pause
		 ESC: exit game
		  ^m:    pause/resume music
		  ^s:    sound effects on/off
		  Alt + Enter: change full screen / normal screen mode
		  L_Ctrl + R_Alt + g: grid on/off
		  ^h:    shows this help to the console
		  ^d:    print debug information to the console
		  ^l:    write debug information to a log file


snakes [-h] [-b BODY_LENGTH] [-m MAX_BODY_LEN] [-r SCORE_TO_WIN] [-c CELL_SIZE] [-w SCREEN_WIDTH] [-e SCREEN_HEIGHT] [-p] [-f] [-s SPEED_PCT] [-t]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        body length of the snakes at the start of the game.
  -m MAX_BODY_LEN,	--maxbodylen MAX_BODY_LEN
                        when a snake reaches the max. body length, the game ends.
  -r SCORE_TO_WIN, 	--scoretowin SCORE_TO_WIN
                        when a snake reaches this score, the game ends and it wins.
  -c CELL_SIZE, 	--cellsize CELL_SIZE
                        size of each cell, i.e., the size of the serpent pieces.
  -w SCREEN_WIDTH, 	--widthscreen SCREEN_WIDTH
                        width of the screen.
                        If screen height is not supplied, the best proportion is calculated. 
  -e SCREEN_HEIGHT, 	--heightscreen SCREEN_HEIGHT
                        height of the screen.
                        If screen width is not supplied, the best proportion is calculated.
  -p, 			--portrait
                        set screen to portrait mode.
  -f, 			--fullscreen
                        Starts the game in full screen mode.
  -s SPEED_PCT, 	--speedpct SPEED_PCT
                        Changes the speed of the game by a percentage.
                        For example: 200 would be twice the normal speed, 50 would be half the normal speed.
  -t, 			--debugtraces
                        show debug back traces information when something goes wrong.

Default optional arguments

	SCORE_TO_WIN	999999
	portrait		False
	fullscreen		False
	debugtraces		False

Examples of usage

If snakes has not been installed as an app:
	$ python -m snakes
	$ python -m snakes --bodylen 10 --cellsize 18 --widthscreen 850  --scoretowin 450
	$ python -m snakes --bodylen 20 --cellsize 10 --widthscreen 1240
	$ python -m snakes --bodylen 8  --cellsize 12 --widthscreen 1920 --fullscreen
	$ python -m snakes --bodylen 1  --cellsize 12 --widthscreen 1080 --portrait
	$ python -m snakes --bodylen 14 --cellsize 8  --widthscreen 850  --heightscreen 520 --maxbodylen 35
	$ python -m snakes --bodylen 10 --cellsize 12 --widthscreen 520  --heightscreen 860
	$ python -m snakes --bodylen 9  --cellsize 24 --widthscreen 1280 --maxbodylen 50
	$ python -m snakes --bodylen 12 --cellsize 14 --widthscreen 800  --heightscreen 530 --speedpct 120
	$ python -m snakes --bodylen 12 --cellsize 8  --widthscreen 800  --speedpct 120

To make Snakes work

Do this:
    1. Clone this repository.
    2. Go to its folder in your system.
    3. $ pip install -r requirements.txt
    4. $ python -m snakes


Game: Similar to classic Snake game but with player versus player version and other surprises.

License:MIT License


Language:Python 100.0%