jannehietamaki / cucumber-wicket

Cucumber support for Apache Wicket

Home Page:http://github.com/dashorst/cucumber-wicket

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cucumber Wicket

This is an example project for integrating Cucumber with Apache Wicket. This way it is possible to write your integration tests using Gherkin.

Example Cucumber scripts:

Feature: Helloworld
	In order to greet the world
	As a user
	I want to see the text Hello World in a browser window.

	Scenario: Hello World
  	Given I am viewing the home page
  	Then I should see "Hello World"

Feature: Counting
	In order to count the number of clicks on a link
	As a bean counter
	I want to see a number increase with each click on a link.

	Scenario: number is zero without any clicks
	Given I am viewing the home page
	Then I should see "Number of clicks 0"
	And I should see a link with text "Click me"

	Scenario: number is one after a click
	Given I am viewing the home page
	When I click the link with text "Click me"
	Then I should see "Number of clicks 1"

This project makes use of Cuke4Duke's Maven plugin to run the features.

Running the examples:


Cucumber support for Apache Wicket
